[Dancing High] the dancing coaches their first meeting! / Dancinghigh trailer

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Since I don't have a laptop I thought I'd just write the subs here, bear with me😂 I know it gets annoying to switch, idk perhaps you want to read it first and then watch.. This is the best I can do! C. Translation credits.

Mapo-gu, Seoul

Lia Kim: Hello! Are you okay?

J-Ho (Just Jerk): yeah, I'm good~

Young-J (Just Jerk): I'm good as well

Lia Kim: it's so nice to meet you guys, let's do our best.. at dancing.

[Unrivaled KPOP choreographer of "Gashina" and "TT", joins "Dancing High" as a dance coach!]
[Star choreographer Lia Kim joins "Dancing High" as a dance coach...]

Just Jerk: of course we'll do our best! / yeah, of course we will

Lia Kim: Worldwide.. personal..-

Young-J: DUO, duo

Lia Kim: choreographing team Just Jerk~

[Choreographing dance crew "Just Jerk" joins "Dancing High" as dance coaches]
["Dancing High"'s coaches are South Korea's representative dance crew Just Jerk]

Lia: Have you guys heard who will come?
J-Ho: No, I don't even know about one person who's going to come
Young-J: I just hope that whoever's gonna come, they will love dancing
J-Ho: Oh? Someone's here?

[Indeed, who is it?]

Hoya: Uhh, hello!
Just Jerk: oh, hello!
Lia: Hello~~
Hoya: Hello, hello


Hoya: No one told me that I'd have to compete with famous choreographers. I feel so pressured..
Young-J: ah, no~
Lia: You don't have to "compete"
Hoya: My heart is fluttering..
J-Ho: *shook*
Hoya: Ah, someone came?

Seunghoon: Hello~~
Everyone: Oh, hello!

[It's WINNER's Lee Seunghoon]

Seunghoon: To be honest I don't know why I came here
Seunghoon: It's too much for me to be in the same space as these outstanding people!
Seunghoon: I'm pretty sure I'm at the wrong place
J-Ho: the most important thing is that we're going to have to work hard on doing these performances together
Seunghoon: there's nothing else I can do besides that ;;
Seunghoon: do you compliment everyone like this when they come in?
Lia Kim: We didn't compete we just talked together!

Seunghoon: Just now the PD was biting his nails over there
Seunghoon: You have to compete for the sake of the viewer ratings!
Seunghoon: If we all already want to go ahead and be the winner, then everyone needs to work hard
Just Jerk: of course we'll do our best / yeah..
Seunghoon: honestly though, you guys will be first no matter if you do something
Seunghoon: it's about who will go and do something to be in second place!

Hoya: is everyone present now?
Team: to be honest, one person couldn't come because of their schedule
Team: so we've prepared for you guys to connect through a phone call
Hoya: (joking) I kinda wanna go away though~
Seunghoon: I have to go too~
Hoya: right, I have to go soon
Seunghoon: me too, I'm really busy today
Seunghoon: aaaah that was bad(weird)

(After receiving the phone)
J-Ho: woah, they just put the name as "Dancing High coach"
Young-J: They're so detailed

Phone: Hello
Lia: Hello?
Hoya: [a voice that's somehow familiar]
Lia: Hello, so you're a coach in Dancing High?
Phone: yeah, that's me
Phone: I'm a singer, actor and performer(artist)
Hoya: What's your birth city?
Phone: My birthplace is Gwangju, Jeolla Province
Hoya: Gwangju, Jeolla Province..?
Phone: Yeah
Seunghoon: Senior U-Know Yunho......
Hoya: Senior Seungri?
[Bigbang's Seungri?]
Lia: His voice does sound familiar to me in some way?
J-Ho: But how old are you?
Phone: I'm thirty years old (in Korean age, he's 29 in international age)

Seunghoon: can't you just sing one of your songs for us?
[quick to the point, no need for small talk in this process]
Seunghoon: I can't guess who you are through a phone and this isn't even my phone so you should really sing something
[Seunghoon who's stuck in the dark is the PD's phone baron]
Seunghoon: I'm really stuck in the corner(dark) with this one so please sing a song for us!
Phone: Please don't be sad, baby you're so much prettier when you smile~ (lyrics from Plz Don't Be Sad - HIGHLIGHT)
Hoya: [in a split second he immediately recognizes it]

[HIGHLIGHT's Lee Gikwang]

Seunghoon: AAAH SUNBAENIM(my senior)
[urge of love for his senior]
Seunghoon: Aaah, sunbaenim, aaah thank you so much
Seunghoon: we're waiting for you a lot so please quickly come to the shooting range~
Gikwang: Yes I will quickly come..
Gikwang: By the way, I'm not really a gentle coach~
Gikwang: because I work hard so I want my hard work to show on others
Gikwang: So I'll do my best.
[Everyone's shocked over Lee Gikwang's confession]
[to meet this unique coach, please wait a bit more!]

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