Chapter 14

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Apparently, Lance had a lot in mind. He'd assembled two different battle strategies prior to the drive into Scottsdale, one of which had included mirrors and black painters tape. Keith had ruled that one out immediately, instead going with plan two: separating for an attack on the two teams.

"You take the field and fight my brother and Rachel; what they lack in aim they make up for in speed. You're fast and can catch up to their combined force. You don't have to worry about my parents- they're old."

Keith grumbled. "What about you?"

"I've played this game enough to know that someone needs to defend the base. That'll be me. I can also earn points by shooting the other bases from afar."

Keith snorted but nodded his head. "Whatever, let's just do it." They shared one firm look before splitting in seperate directions.

Keith moved swiftly, maneuvering around large pillars, boxes, and other jungle gym pieces used for gameplay. He moved towards Rachel and Danny's base; it was a good place to start. Maybe he could earn them some points by attacking their base.

Sure enough, Keith ran into Rachel on his way there. The moment they made eye contact she aimed and shot, just barely missing Keith shoulder sensor. He'd twisted his body at just the right time, allowing him enough leverage to swing around and blast her in the chest.

Alright, so maybe Lance was right. Keith was fast.

The battle continued on after that, Rachel throwing out teasing marks as she raced after Keith across the arena. Keith was determined, yet it was strange channeling his competitive nature towards someone other than Lance. Rachel, Keith discovered, was just as competitive as Lance.

Keith didn't know very much about the girl, or at least he knew the basics. She was Danny's best friend and wife, as well as a fellow lawyer. Keith could only imagine the amount of terror she held in a courtroom. He also knew she had one heck of a personality, vivacious as well as terrifying.

The two chased each other around the arena's barriers, both moving and aiming to win. Their battle was energetic, both players fast, swift and equally intact.

However, it didn't come to a standstill until Keith tripped, his body flailing into a corner.

He made a small cry as his body rammed against the neon wall, the impact strong yet hardly painful. It was more of a shock than anything else, though pain still erupted across the side of his left body.

Rachel raced to his side, her gun dropped to hang from the vest as she reached to help him up. "Are you okay?" Her voice had switched to concern in a matter of moments.

Keith nodded and gladly took her outstretched hand. "I'm alright."

She smirked. "In that case-" With one quick move she aimed and shot, blasting his chest sensor.

"Hey!" He cried, reaching for his blaster.

Except, to Keith's dismay, the blaster wasn't at his side.

Normally the blasters hung at the side of the vest by connecting with a wire and a hook. Keith's impact with the wall had sent his gun flying, breaking the hook and detaching the wire. It then lay only a few feet away, the plastic dirty and scratched from the impact.

Keith's eyes widened. "Rachel do not-"

He was too late, as the woman scrambled to grab the laser gun. She snickered, holding the plastic toy in her hands. "Nope. Can't have it."

Keith groaned, audibly annoyed. "Come one, that's not playing fair."

A snort. "Who said Laser tag had to be fair?"

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