Chapter 11

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I woke up at 7:00 this morning to get Harry's room ready. I knew he would be bored just sitting in bed all day, so I set up the x-box and got a variety of video games. I also got board games and card games, which are my favorite. I also got a ton of movies and books. Really anything I could think of to keep him busy. I went over to Harry's and Lou's flat and got his clothes and his overnight stuff. Lou was already gone when I got there, they must have had a really early flight. I got tons of pillows and blankets to lay on his bed, so he is comfortable. When I was satisfied with his room, I headed to the hospital to pick him up. I got there at 10:00, which was a little early, but I think he is awake and I don't want him to be lonely. When I got to the front of the hospital, there were tons of fans and paparazzi outside. News must have got out about him being here. I had no problem getting by them, since they didn't know me. I went up to his floor and walked into his room and like I predicted, he's awake. He is watching a soccer game on the t.v. He seems to be doing better. He doesn't have bags under his eyes, he looks rested and calm. He sees me and smiles.

“Hey Harry” I say. I walk and sit beside his bed and start to watch the game with him. Honestly I know nothing about soccer, but I like to pretend I know whats going on.

“Addy?” Harry asks.

“Yeah?” I respond. I turn to face him, he has pleading eyes.

“Get me out of here, I am bored out of my mind.” He says with a smirk. I laugh. I would hate to be stuck in the hospital too.


Harry's Pov

We manage to get by the paparazzi and fans. I wish I could have stopped and said hi, but in my condition, it wouldn't have been safe. We get to Addy's apartment, she comes around to my side of the car. She helps me up and I wrap my arm around her shoulders. She puts her arm around my waist to support me. I wish I could walk on my own, with no help. It is just frustrating to have to rely on someone to do everything for you. But I guess I will just have to deal with it for the next week or so. We get into her apartment and she helps me up the stairs. We walk to the guest bedroom and she opens the door. I gasp. The bed is made up of colorful blankets and pillows. There are many board games and card games on the shelves. The x box is set up with various video games stacked around it. My laptop is set on the bed, along with magazines and some books. She laid out candy on the night stand along with flowers that said “Get well soon”. It was amazing, I would've never thought she would do this. She set all this up for me? She is truly amazing.

“You set this up for me?” I ask baffled. She smiles and shrugs.

“I didn't want you to be bored, so I got some things for us to do.” She reply's, while leading me to the bed. She sets me down and covers me with a blanket. She puts a pillow behind my back, so I wasn't leaning against the hard back board. It was quite comfy. That's one of the things I like about her. She always makes sure the people around her are ok. She is so selfless, like she will do anything and everything just to make someone smile. She walks around the bed and sits on the other end.

“So what do you want to do?” She asks. I look around the room and spot Monopoly sitting on the shelve. Monopoly is my all time favorite board game.

“Lets play Monopoly!” I respond. She smiles.

“That's my favorite.” She says while walking over to get the board game. There's yet another thing we have in common. Sometimes I wish she was nothing like me, it would make it easier for me not to like her so much. Damn you Addy. With your perfect hair and gorgeous eyes. And your amazing personality I hate it. I hate it because I like it so much.

“Harry are you ok?” I come out of my thoughts and see that Addy is staring at me with curious eyes.

“Yeah I'm fine, lets play.” I say clapping my hands together.

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