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" You never stop failing, until you stop trying."

" Good, Better, Best. Never let it rest. Till your good is better and your better is best. "

" When it rain look for rainbow, when it gets dark look for star. "

" I now pronounce you someone else."

" When life gets harder challenge yourself to be stronger. "

" I'm scared to see you in someone else, but I need to accept the fact that....
I'm not the only person who make your smile. "

" The worst regret we can have in life is not for the wrong thing we did, but for the thousands of right things we did for the wrong one. "

" We can say love you to everyone, but we can too say love you to our ONLY special someone. "

" It's cool to be single, but it's nice actually having someone that will stick with you through everything. "

" You have to fight through some BAD DAYS... To earn the BEST DAY of your life. "


Good day everyone thank you for reading and please don't forget to vote.


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