Lie To Me

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Before (Y/N) married Moriarty, she lived in a flat on Baker Street. She was focused on her career and wanted to live her life to the fullest. She wanted to live her happily ever after.

She set that all aside when she met Jim in New York.

Now, (Y/N) knew there was only one person she could go to this late at night. The drive was familiar; she used to take this route daily when she went to visit Jim. Slowing the car to a stop, (Y/N) parked the car and looked up at the address, a soft smile on her face as she reminisced in memories.

221b Baker Street.

Timidly, the (H/C) haired woman knocked on the door, and moments later an elderly woman opened the door. (Y/N) smiled up at her and said, "Hello again, Mrs. Hudson."

Mrs. Hudson gasped and smiled, pulling the woman into her arms for a hug. Eagerly, (Y/N) returned it. Pulling away, Mrs. Hudson frowned slightly and asked, "What brings you back to Baker Street?"

(Y/N) sucked in a huge breath, trying her best not to cry. "I needed someone to talk to."

Mrs. Hudson pulls her in for another hug as (Y/N) lets the tears fall and drip down her cheeks. "Come inside, dear. I'll bring you a cup of tea."

Nodding, (Y/N) followed Mrs. Hudson inside into her flat, relaxing at the kitchen table. Bringing over a steaming cup after a few minutes, Mrs. Hudson speaks, "What happened, dear? I haven't seen you since the wedding."

"Jim's been cheating on me." (Y/N) replied quietly, the reality of it all not set in yet. "He lied to me all those years ago."

"Tell me everything," Mrs. Hudson replied, leaning in to hear (Y/N)'s story.

"Well, it all started when I left Baker Street to pursue a career in New York." the (H/C) woman began.


(Y/N)'s new life was finally beginning. Her boss had sent her to New York to do some negotiating with the current mayor of the city. She smiled as the sunshine hit her face, her cheeks immediately turning a slight pale pink. London was chilly this time of year.

Hailing a cab, the woman set off towards her hotel room to prepare herself for the meeting. She changed into a nicer dress, applied makeup, and straightened her messy, wind-blown hair before spritzing herself in perfume. Grabbing her purse, she left her hotel room in search of the mayor.

All went according to plan and the mayor agreed to her terms. She was about to leave and head back to her room when a handsome man caught her eye. He was chewing on a piece of gum and observing the room. Paying him no mind, she walked towards the exit but the man stopped her in her step.

"Excuse me, sir," (Y/N) said. "I'm trying to exit the building."

"So soon?" he asked, lowering his sunglasses so (Y/N) could see his eyes. They were moving quickly back and forth; he was deducing her. She recognized the constant eye movement because her boss deduced her all the time.

"Congrats on the deal, by the way." he continued after a moment of silence.

"How did you know about that?" she asked.

"Lucky guess?" he answered, smirking lightly.

(Y/N) giggled softly at the man's response. "I'm going to assume you deduced that information."

The mysterious man looked a little shocked but regained his composure. He stuck his hand out for her to shake: "James Moriarty."

"(Y/N) (L/N)."

James gestured his head towards the bar. "Care for a drink?"

"Not at all." (Y/N) smiled and followed James into the bar, spending the whole night talking about their lives. They parted near five the next morning.

-End Flashback-

A tear dripped down (Y/N)'s cheek. "He was so kind and witty when I met him, Mrs. Hudson."

Mrs. Hudson only nodded as more tears left her eyes. "I don't understand."

"Many people don't understand why their spouses cheat, (Y/N)." Mrs. Hudson cupped the woman's face. "I do know that Jim should have never cheated on you because you are the most loving person I know."

(Y/N) chuckled and put a hand over Mrs. Hudsons. "Thank you, Mrs. Hudson."

"Any time, dear." the elder woman cleared the table of their teacups. "Would you like to stay here for the night?"

"If it's not too much of a burden."

"You're never a burden!" Mrs. Hudson exclaimed and (Y/N) smiled. "You can stay in your old flat upstairs. I'm sure the boys won't mind."

"You rented out my old flat?"

"Of course," Mrs. Hudson replied, rinsing a teacup. "Two lovely boys; Doctor Watson and-"

Suddenly, the front door to 221b Baker Street flew open as a tall man with dark, curly hair enters the room. He clearly looks frustrated and for a split second, (Y/N) thought he was one of Moriarty's men sent to retrieve her.

"Mrs. Hudson, a cup of tea stat-"

"I'm not your housekeeper-"

"Then have your new maid do it." he snapped, his eyes fixated on (Y/N).

"Sherlock, she's not my maid. She's a previous renter." Mrs. Hudson smiled down at (Y/N) as she put her hands on the (H/C)'s shoulders. "I was just telling her she can stay in your flat tonight."

"Why?" the man, Sherlock, asked clearly annoyed.

"Mrs. Hudson," (Y/N) spoke in a quiet voice. "If it's a bother to Sherlock and his flatmate than I can go back home-"

"Nonsense!" the elder woman said. "You're welcome to stay with them." she looked up at Sherlock. "Well now, introduce yourselves."

He cleared his throat and stuck out his hand. "I'm Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened slightly. "Holmes? As in Mycroft Holmes?"

"So you know my brother."

"I worked for him a few years ago-"

"-before you got married. Your ring indicates that you've been married for only a few years, which is why it's relatively still clean. You were happy in your marriage up until earlier today, when your husband finally told you that he was cheating on you. However, I can't quite deduce your name."

(Y/N) fiddled with her thumbs. She was about to shake hands with her husbands greatest enemy and reveal that she was his wife. Taking a big breath, she exhaled slowly and said, "I'm (Y/N) Moriarty. A pleasure to meet you, Sherlock Holmes."

Now I wish we'd never met, 'cause you're too hard to forget


A.N: ohmygoshhhhhh!!! I'm so excited I finally got this chapter done and I love how it came out! (Y/N) finally met Sherlock and I'm sure that's what you've all been waiting for. I hope I surprised you when you found out (Y/N) used to work for Mycroft.

To any of you who are confused, the last lines of the past three chapters have been lyrics to the corresponding chapter song. For this chapter, it's supposed to be about Moriarty. I mean, (Y/N)'s in love with him, she married him.

I hope you enjoyed this part of 'Youngblood' and please comment, share, and vote! It means a lot to me.

Until next time,


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