Chapter 10

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It was a quiet night at the docks as Blake and Esther watched quietly from above. Some time ago just as Sun indicated, the huge shipment of dust had come and unloaded it's cargo with every massive container labeled with the Schnee Dust Company logo in big thin letters on their sides. The dragon Faunus was on one knee while her friend next to her laid on her stomach while they overlooked the cargo waiting for something to happen briefly exchanging short glances at each other every so often.

“Did I miss anything?” Both Faunus girls turned to see Sun coming up to them back from wherever he went falling onto both knees next to Esther with something in his arms earning her curiosity.

“Not really, they've offloaded all the crates from the boat. Now they're just sitting there.” Blake answered,

“Cool,” the monkey Faunus opened his arms to reveal an assortment of fruit offering a green apple to Esther and the cat Faunus. “I stole you guys some food,” the dragon Faunus rolled her eyes.

“Seriously Sun?”

“Do you always break the law without a second thought?” Blake asked.

“Hey weren't the both of you in a cult or something?” the monkey Faunus retorted earning a not so happy expression from the girls in question. “Okay, too soon.” Suddenly a strong rush of wind followed by the sound of what they assumed was turbine engines assaulted their backs and ears causing hair and clothes to flutter in the gale. The three of them turned towards the sound and saw a pair of bright spotlights and the large grey bullhead airship that casted them soon landing next to the mountain of cargo, a side door was thrown open and a man in mostly black and white clothing with a hood and mask stepped off board the ship; a symbol of a red tiger with three claws marks going down through it decorated his back. Esther and Blake recognized the emblem instantly the former going stiff,

“Oh no…” the cat Faunus whispered.

“Is that them?” Sun asked. The dragon Faunus nodded,

“Yes, it's them;” Blake answered. More White Fang soldiers soon followed the first out of the bullhead with the last armed with some kind of rifle.

“Alright, grab the tow cables.” ordered the grunt with the gun,

“You guys really didn't think they were behind it, did you?” questioned Sun.

“No, I think deep down I knew. I just didn't want to be right.”

“I didn't want to believe it either…” Esther replied.

“Hey!” Another voice sounded causing everyone to jump, “what's the hold up?” The three Faunus eyed the ship’s door and saw another man step out. He had bright orange hair and dark colored eyes one which was covered by his bangs wearing a classy white suit with black beneath it not showing an inch of his skin save for his face and a black and red hat atop his head. While exchanging the hand that held his cane, Roman Torchwick continued to speak. “We're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment, sooo why don't you animals try to pick up the pace.”

“This isn't right,” Blake began as she got up onto her feet. “The White Fang would never work with a human. Especially one like that,” she drew her Gambol Shroud alerting Sun and Esther.

“Hey! What are you doing?!” Exclaimed the monkey Faunus before Blake lept from the rooftop they stood on.

“Blake wait!” Esther said trying to grab the cat Faunus as she jumped, but failed and was only able to watch as the girl fell onto the ground below and ran towards the mountain of cargo ahead. The dragon Faunus scoffed and grabbed Sun's wrist to drag him along as they followed after her, Blake crept throughout the path amongst the cargo soon hearing the criminal's voice again and she peeked past a crate to see him with a White Fang member.

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