Ashleigh and Harry

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hey I'm Ashliegh I have blond hair, blue eyes, loves to sing and dance, you can say that I am somewhat of a girl version of Louis Tomlinson :) hehe, I have two sisters and a huges flirt

I was going to have to get my two sisters in kindergarten

I finally arrived in kindergarten and found them

they ran to me and said that there was a new teacher who had started today

I tried to see who it was but I could not see any new

Ashliegh: "Okay girls, where are the new teacher then?"

Amber and Miley: "right there, you can not see him"

they pointed to a boy with brown curly hair and green eyes

when I saw him I could not believe my eyes

It was Harry Styles from One Direction but how, why

he worked here it would be a lie or was it

I went to say that I took Amber and Miley back home now

they ran to Harry to say goodbye and he gave them a hug

Ashliegh: "Amber, Miley Come here girls"

I went to get them to get them to understand that it was now and not in 500 years

Harry: "So when it is you who are Ashliegh, pretty name, and what some cute girls you have"

Ashliegh: "thank you and they are only my sisters"

Harry: "when okay, then you probably do not mind going out with me one day?"

Ashliegh: "I would like to thank you"

Harry: "and besides, I love your blonde hair and blue eyes"

imagines from my head :)Where stories live. Discover now