Chapter 1: Sam, He's On A Hunting Trip

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Skylar's POV

I was having fun at a bar up in Stanford dancing with a few guys when I was suddenly pulled away.

"I thought I told you to stay at the motel until I found where Sam was?" Dean frowned.

"Oh, you mean at the apartment 4 blocks away from where we are now?" I smirked finishing off my beer and set the bottle on the table.

"You knew this whole time?" Dean asked upset.

"Oh, was that important? I'm sowwy." I pouted as it turned into a smirk, seeing it piss Dean off even more.

"Come on, let's go." Dean said grabbing my wrist and tried dragging me out.

"Hey, at least let me get that guys number, he's supper hot." I commented, and started to turn around, only to have Dean throw me over his shoulder like a rag doll and carried me to his car.

"Why are we here again?" I frowned. "I thought you and John didn't care what he did after he left for college?"

"Yeah, well that was until Dad went missing. Let's go." Dean said and got out as I followed suit.

Once we got to Sam's door Dean tried to pick the lock with a pocket knife but was a little too loud.

I sighed and pushed him to the side pulling a hair pin put of my hair and picked it in seconds as he playfully rolled his eyes and followed me in.

That was until I was pushed against the wall and Dean sprung into action, attacking them head on.

I watched in amusement and sipped a beer I grabbed from the fridge as they wrestled around.

"Woah, easy there tiger." Dean teased.

"Dean?" Sam stated. "You scared the crap outta me!"

"That's because you're outta practice." Dean chuckled but was then pinned by Sam with a groan. "Or not. Get off of me."

"Dean, what the hell are you doing here?" Sam frowned.

"Well what am I, chopped liver?" I teased.

"Sky." Sam smiled and pulled me into a hug. "I've missed you."

"You too Sammy." I smiled and released him from the hug.

That's when the lights turned on as a blonde girl looked at us tiredly. "Sam?"

"Jess, hey." Sam sighed. "Dean, this is my girlfriend, Jessica."

"Wait, you're brother Dean?" Jessica smiled then turned to me ask I drank my beer. "That means you must be Skylar, Dean's girlfriend."

This made me choke in surprise as Dean patted my back softly.

"We're not together." I told her with a smile, as much as I wish it was true. I've had a crush on Dean since I could ever remember. "Best friends would sum it up though. But it's very nice meeting you Jessica, Sam talks about you all the time."

Than Dean being Dean spoke up.

"I love the smurfs." Dean said gesturing to her revealing shirt. "And let me tell ya. You are so out of my brothers league."

"Let me just go get something on." Jessis gestured towards her too.

"No, no. I wouldn't dream of it. Seriously." Dean said making me slap his head as he turned and glared at me. "Uh, ow?!"

"Leave the poor girl alone, Dean." I stated.

"Fine, but I have to borrow you're boy friend here for a few about some private family business. It was nice meeting you though." Dean said with a cocky attitude that I something love and other times just wanna smack the crap out of him.

Skylar ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now