splash of love

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cam lifted me

cam wait no....

cam softly threw me over his shoulders and ran towards the water cam

put me down i laughed

... nope

and i could feel him jump and we both landed in the water at the same time as we came up our eyes locked and our lips just two inches apart. he pushed a strand of hair off my face he placed his hands at my waist and pulled my body too his and he kissed me... his lips were magical i completely forgot all about nashes kiss cams kisses were so soft and well innocent i felt fire works with cam i really liked him i thought to my self we were kissing. when we heard

Matt yell : its time to go guyssss we slowly pulled away from each other and we smiled cam gave me a piggy back ride out the water and Nash he gave me such a weird look Shawn was already in his car and driving away....

**sorry its short I'm kinda lost in life**

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