Meeting Mr Right!!!

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This book is dedicated to all my followers who read and appreciate my work. A MAJOR thank you to wattpad as well for being a platform of constant encouragement.


Meeting Mr Right!!!

Anam's Pov
My phone suddenly buzzed in my hand and I woke up to find myself on the couch. My neck was already aching thanks to my unhealthy sleeping positions. Thankfully, mum was at the hospital for her night shift so I survived the scolding I would've gotten had she been at home.

I checked for the time and realised it was 3 am in the morning. I dragged myself up from the couch and made my way slowly to the stairs as I gradually climbed up. Struggling to open my eyes, I reached my room and opened the door where my comfortable bed looked really tempting to my eyes at this moment.

Slowly making my way, I slumped face down on my pillow and didn't realise when I was back to slumberland.

"Wake up Anam!!! Wake up, you lazy ass. We are going to be late for school!!!"

I opened my eyes after a whole struggle of trying hard to resist my sleep and wake up for school. I sat up in my bed and smiled at my best friend, Saba, who was sitted on my bed, totally frowning with hands on her waist.
Uh Oh! That meant trouble.

Saba and I have been kindergarten best friends. She has been a soul sister that I never had. Apparently, she is the only one who knows the rough past that my mum has gone through while trying to raise me when my dad decided to walk out on us!

"Hey twinny."

I grinned at her but the same frown was still plastered on her face as it was a few seconds ago.

"Do you mind getting out of bed, Miss Anam because we are actually running late for school thanks to your deep slumber. Now hurry up and move that ass to the bathroom before I decide to ditch you and drive to school alone."

I glanced at the clock on my side table and seeing the time, popped my eyes out of its sockets. It was freaking 7:30am in the morning and school starts at 8 am!!

I hurriedly got up from my bed and selected a random outfit from my wardrobe and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I heard a knock on the door and Saba's voice came from the other side of the door.

"I am going downstairs to make you some breakfast so you better hurry up and get down before your mum comes from the hospital."

"Will be right there in a few minutes." I responded back.

Getting dressed up well like any girl would do, be it when going to school or even during socialising outside, wasn't my cup of tea at all. I preferred keeping myself away from all this priming like a typical doll. I combed my tangled curls, grabbed my phone and bag and stomped down the stairs where breakfast and Saba awaited me.

Hurriedly grabbing the slice of bread, Saba and I walked out of the door locking it behind us and drove to school. As soon as we stepped into the school compound, I saw my other best friend, Ahad awaiting us.

"Where have you both been, ladies? I have been waiting for the past fifteen minutes. We could have gone to the cafeteria at least to grab a bite!"

I huffed and looked at Ahad. My two blocks away neighbour and apparently my second best friend after Saba, obviously. A total foodie and a total flirt. He was dating Myra, a fellow classmate, though wasn't serious towards it at all. I still wonder why!?

"Ask this question to Miss sleeping beauty standing right next to me. She was in slumberland when I drove home to pick her up."

I stuck out my tongue at her when my phone buzzed. Slowly, walking inside the school building, I checked my phone to see a notification from Snapchat. Yes, I am a high Snapchat addict. I don't know why but I really love this app.

I opened my Snapchat profile and saw that I had been added back by someone that I had sent a request to almost a month back. Someone who was in my quick add list. Someone whose profile didn't have a bitmoji but rather a black background. Weird!

DarkShark_007 added you back.

I was about to close the app when I got a snap from DarkShark_007. I opened the snap where some poetry was written. Words that literally held me captivated for a second.

Anonymous he was,
A scary past he had,
Wishing life was a bit easier,
With enormous scars in his heart.

This sounded deep!
Mr DarkShark_007 Was a poet.
I responded back with a snap that read...

Wow, that was deep. What are the scars though?

"Anam....walk fast otherwise you will stay out of biology class again!"

I put my phone back in my pocket and hurriedly joined my two friends as we headed to class.
Assalam aleikum readers,

Another project, Alhamdullilah. A short one for that matter. Hope i will get immense support on this venture as well, In shaa Allah.

Read, share, vote and comment please.
Would mean a lot to see the support.
Do tell me how you liked the first chapter!!!

Will be giving frequent updates, In shaa Allah.

Till next time, In shaa Allah.
Keep smiling
Be blessed.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2018 ⏰

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