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Everyone's around the tables a bit farther away in the illuminated side of the Grove, eating and drinking. It makes my mouth water and makes me feel a bit left out. But Ena's sharp voice does not allow for sentimentalism.

"Please at least try to have grace while you climb up the tree. You look like an oaf," she complains, smacking a hand against her face. I pout and try to haul my body on the branch with scarce results. After much huffing and puffing, Ena gives up and has two girls help me climb.

The willow tree is bigger, bigger than it has a right to be, and instead of green, its leaves are between pink and red, probably another wonder of magick. The branch I'm seated on is surprisingly comfortable and warm under my butt and I lean against it the way Ena instructs, hair falling down to cover my body and the branch underneath, like a curtain.

"Try to look sleepy in an innocent yet sensual way. Ethereal," she barks. I'm starting to believe that's how she expresses herself. Through grunts and barking. I sigh and try to do what she tells me but her heavy sigh proves that I've failed miserably.

"Guinevere, dim the lights and let's just hope for the best. I give up," Ena grunts throwing her hands in the air and stomping away. Guinevere throws me an apologetic smile and follows suit, leaving me alone on that big tree.

Suddenly a big mass of people comes through the trees. No, not people, guardians. Well, aspiring guardians. Perched atop my tree I crane my neck to see if I can find Vex, Christian, and Narcisse but if they're there, they're lost in the middle of a sea of people. I've never seen the Grove quite so crowded, the chatter reaching me even from the distance.

Other schools arrive too, both male and females. I sigh longingly while slouching on my branch, head rested on my arms. Under me, I can feel the quiet and soothing beat of the tree. It amazes me how quickly I've gotten used to this. So much now that I barely pay it any attention. I try to remember how my life was before.

It was so...dull.

I can't honestly say that I miss working at the diner or the school where I never made any meaningful connection. Sometimes I find myself pining for Nana's comforting presence, or Tara's bubbling conversation, but I don't really miss my old life. Not anymore.

Despite the fact that I'm a novelty here and not exactly wanted, I do belong somewhere. I can't imagine a life without Misty bossing me around, Summer's adorable shyness and Dawn's quiet presence. Even Vex's sarcastic aloofness, Narcisse's awkwardness or Christian's inappropriate flirting bring a smile to my lips.

This is who I am now.

And I've never felt quite more at home than on this tree, watching my friends from afar and knowing that there's a place for me there. Strange how quickly things change. I blink, slowly wrapping my mind around this new-found acceptance and for the first time, I say the thing that I never managed to admit to myself.

I am a Vixen.

This realization and acceptance brings me a peace that is like a balm for my fretting heart. Beaming I look up at the moon, sending a silent prayer to the Goddess. After all, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her. Maybe she's not all bad after all.

Suddenly the chatter of the crowd grows closer and I realize that they're coming towards me, all reuniting around the tree to see the performance start. Anxiety slams back into me with so much strength I almost keel over. There's nowhere I'd rather be than on this tree, away from prying eyes. I make myself small, hoping that they won't spot me. Under me, the tree buzzes, swirling with energy and vitality and I lean on it, seeking comfort.

BitchcraftOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora