Maybe Its Destiny

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"Take a chance, you never know what might happen.."

She sat at her desk in the huge office, half-numb and half-shocked. Her eyes reflected her weariness and her head throbbed. She hadn't slept the entire night. Her mind had been too busy thinking about how she would face him, how she would act as if she didn't care and how, their future together would only remain a dream. A dream that would probably never come true.

It had all been a stupid mistake.

Caitlin remembered that day, one month ago, like it was yesterday. She had been new to the city. After hours of convincing her mother, she had finally been allowed to come and live in a new city all by herself. She had walked into the glass office, in her white trousers and chiffon shirt, eager to prove herself on her very first job. She had been taking the elevator to go downstairs on her second day, when she had seen him for the very first time.

Nick Walters, son of the billionaire owner of the company, young, handsome and the paparazzi's favourite business tycoon. The face that adorned the covers of all the glossy magazines, the ultimate goal of all the rich, socialite girls and the perfect gentleman. He had been walking out of the board room after a meeting, when their eyes had met across the hall. It had been the spark of something new. It had been the beginning of a connection between two hearts, something that Caitlin believed would last forever.

If only she had known how wrong she was. If only she had seen the true colours of the man the world called, Nick Walters.

It had been as if they were destined to be together. After a long, strenuous day at work, Caitlin had been the only one remaining in the office. It had been a long night. The elevator door had pinged open and there he had stood. Absolutely flawless. As she had walked into the elevator, his head had jerked up from his cellphone. She had given him a small smile and had taken a place in front awkwardly.

" Well, are pretty little things like you supposed to be working this late in the night?" He had joked from behind.

She had simply shrugged and said,"Well when handsome little things like you are there in the office we just decide to stay a little longer."

With a twinkle in his eyes, he had replied, " Oh no, you just didn't! Bad move, sweetheart. Bad move. I might just decide to hold that one against you, you know."

And with that, he had walked out of the elevator, chuckling to himself, leaving a very dumbfounded Caitlin behind him.

She had been so foolish. She had been so foolish to have ever thought that someone like Nick could ever like someone like her..

Early the next morning, as soon as she had reached her desk, she had seen it. The white coffee cup, with a heart shape brewed on top of the coffee with chocolate powder had been sitting on the centre of her desk. A tiny note had been attached to it.

" Coffee? ;)"

That had been the start. The start of endless phone calls, countless hours spent together simply capturing and making memories. Nick had been all she had ever wanted. She had felt as if she was complete whenever she was him. She had felt, that after finding him, she had found a part of herself as well.

It had been the day at the beach. It had been the magic she had felt in her heart, that had truly given her hope. Hope, that maybe, just maybe, she would grow old with him.

They had been walking along the shore, hand in hand. The sun had been setting, the sky had been splashed with streaks of red, yellow and pink. The water had been calm and serene, reflecting the beauty of the evening sunset. Just as she had been staring ahead at the horizon, she had felt something in her heart flutter. Hope. Anticipation. Desire. Contentment. He had probably felt the same way too, because he was suddenly leaning in to kiss her . Closing her eyes, Caitlin had thought that maybe, perfect days do have perfect endings as well.

And from that day onwards, their fairy tale had abruptly started to spiral down, showing Caitlin her true fate.

Nick became the person the media had made him out to be. Late-night parties, hours when he had completely ignored her, moments when had he acted like she was no one special and times when Caitlin had felt like he was a total stranger. Eventually, she lost hope. Although all along, deep known she herself had always known that cracks were bound to come. She had however, never thought that it would come just so soon.

Nick had become distant. He had started acting as though he regretted ever falling for Caitlin.

Sitting at her desk, this very morning, Caitlin was confused. She had no idea how to approach him, how to ask him what was going to happen next, what was going to happen about him. About them. After sitting and doing nothing for quite some time, she decided that she would let him do whatever he wanted. She had no other choice. Other than pay for her stupid mistakes.

Nick sat in his car, in the parking lot of the office, frustrated with himself. In the last few weeks, he had been scared of Caitlin. He had been scared of the overflowing love and affection he felt whenever he saw her, scared that she might never be able to return it. He had thought that maybe, staying away from her would probably reduce this somehow. Instead, as the days passed he only felt himself wanting her even more. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. He pushed open the door of his car and ran up the floors to the office. It was time to confess.

Nick dragged Caitlin down the office stairs. He ran with her towards the centre of the bridge. With the breeze blowing gently on his face, he took her in his arms and started, " I love you more than anything else in this world Caitlin. I know you for less than a month but I have never felt this way before. You have some sort of power over me. I know for the last week I have been distant but

I was overwhelmed and frankly, scared as hell. Because I really fell for you. And Caitlin, I swear to you. I'll be there for you. This is not a drive by."

Caitlin shut her eyes and looked upwards, silently thinking that this was the moment she had been waiting for. This was her fairy tale.

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