Gray x Krystal/Yuri x Zera/Yuri x Mavis/Zeref x Mavis

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Okay... so there is no picture for this and I'm totally upset, but this is my favorite pairing for Gray other than Juvia. Krystal_Dragneel is one of the coolest people in my guild. Well, I don't just want to mention her, so I'm going to say all my favorite people in the guild. That's all of them. PlueHeartfillia
Best members of my guild. I'm pretty sure Natsu doesn't approve of his sister with Gray, but everyone else does. And I... the creator of Fairy Tail sure do, so there's no complaining! Oh by the way. I promised this in the other chapter, so here it is.

Mavis: Can someone explain this to me? I was looking up Yuri x Zera and I get Yuri x Mavis?

Zera: What. The. Hell?

Zeref: *glares at Yuri* I'm her husband. Back off. I saw the way you were looking at her in the video!

August: Pfft. Dad's jealous of uncle Yuri.

Yuri: I don't see why. That was a long time ago... It's not like I like her now.

Zeref: Hmph! *glares*

Mavis/Zera/August: That's so cute! Zeref/dad is jealous of Mavis/mom's past with Yuri/uncle Yuri!

Yuri: .....😓

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