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There I stood, this ginormous pile of twigs and logs engulfed by beautiful flames, that should have warmed everything within a mile radius, dancing natively in my irises.

My finger tips reached to the clasp of the friendship necklace that strangled my neck.

My grip tightened around the pendant in exasperation and just like that, the metal charm and attached string vanished to the bottom of that dancing flame.

I felt a hand placed ever so gently on my shoulder. A relieved expression came over my face as realization of Tina's presence dawned.

She smiled at me reassuringly.

"You coming?"

She asked as her head tilted towards the picnic area.

I shook my head.

"I need some air, time to think I suppose."

I smiled weakly at her.

She was one to acknowledge when to give someone a bit of space.

As I breathed in the clean mountain air, my feet scratched at the gravel driveway to the log cabin.

It was for the best.

I tried to convince myself.

My feet haulted, my ears strained to hear the melodious sound streaming down from a lit room on the first floor of the log cabin.

I came to a glass sun room facing a beautiful lake. I slowly started to pull at the french doors.

A man sat on a piano stool looking a bit aggravated.

The end of his pen was pressed against his lips in determination, his brows furrowed in concentration.

Every so often, he would play a few notes, jot something on a piece of paper, and sigh in frustration.

He dropped his pen onto the paper. His long fingers placed themselves on the piano keys.

His fingers gracefully moved along the keys, producing a soulful tune. His voice was quiet, singing the song to himself.

I smiled, rocognizing the tune as Chester See's Where Are You Now.

I enjoyed watching this man play, he was very passionate.

The song finished and he sat still, staring down at his hands in his lap.

"Do you take requests?"

He jumped at the sound of my voice.

I smiled as I came out of the shadows, approaching him.

His curious eyes watched me as I leaned on the baby grand.

"Uh.. sure, what do you want to hear?"

I pondered for a minute.

"Chester See's Fairytales?"

He smiled up at me. He took a deep breath and placed his fingers.

'Well, I'll say happy ever after ending. Close your eyes and start pretending you're the princess to this story and I can be your prince charming. Sleeping beauty, Cinderella.I'll be Edward, you be Bella. So take my hand and dance with me. Just one kiss and you'll believe, we can turn the night into anything for you. Cause sometimes, fairytales come true.'

He beamed up at me as he finished.

I didn't think it was possible but my smile grew wider when I saw his expression.

I extended my hand to him.

"I'm Savannah, by the way."

"Daniel. Nice to meet you."

He smiled at me.

"How long have you been playing?"

"Since I was five."

The rest of my night went on talking to Daniel. He was a very interesting person.

When Savannah SmilesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin