Loke x Lucy

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Alright. I'm not a LoLu shipper. Cause I'm just not a fan of it. They have like 7 moments and most of them were just him being flirty or pervy. No offense to the people who ship it, but I just don't see them as a couple. Maybe like friends or brother and sister, so I just don't see it. He was definitely scared of hurting her, because she was a celestial wizard and that reminded him of how he killed his master. It's sad and I had to admit that I was crying some what, cause it's a tearjerker moment. Who wouldn't cry? Anyway, that's my opinion!

Zeref: I can kind of see it. Them as a couple.

Mavis: Are you insane?! They can't be a good pairing! They're more like friends or relatives! Not a couple!

August: Mom, you're freaking out too much. It's just a ship. I do have to agree with mom, though. I can only them as friends.

Zeref: Alright! It was just an opinion! Relax!

Mavis: Baka! Keep your irrelevant comments to yourself!!😡

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