Closing Time

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A nifty little issue, that. A great way to pay tribute to the fallen mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of humanity's past. It wasn't just those lost in World War I, but those lost before and after, too—wherever there's been suffering in the world, and wherever good people have gone to ease it, because to abstain would be to bow to evil.

Thanks, 'troopers. Ooorah!

Wanna see what we've got coming up next? Have a gander below...

Early December - Best of 2018

Surprise to the mothertroopers out there who just read each Tevun-Krus issue. This fan-favourite release is back once again, providing you a brand-slappin'-new story from each of the sub-genres we've tackled this year.

December 21st - A Very DecoPunk Christmas

Going back to issue 5's theme: DecoPunk! Give the '30s and '50s eras a sci-fi twist this Christmas!


If you'd like to be a part of any of the issues mentioned above, then check out our TK 2018 thread. You'll find it in the new Science Fiction club, which is accessible via the external link below.


Tevun-Krus #61 - Remembrance Day Military SF SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now