God and his Angels

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God and his Angels: prologue

I was screaming; I knew I was screaming but I couldn’t stop myself. I couldn’t put an end to the shrieks leaving my young mouth filled with milk teeth. Another blow just made me scream harder. I don’t know whether I wanted God and his angels to hear me or if I just wanted to drown out my life. I felt my scream falter and turn into hiccups as I ran out of breath. Hiccupping violently I gazed at the person in front of me; the cause of this onslaught of noise.

He stared back and then, tentatively, as though afraid I would start screaming again, raised his arm. I remember pursing my lips and trying desperately to see what he held up there in the shadows, too high for me to reach.  I saw myself reflected in his pale blue eyes. My own shocking blue eyes were wide and framed by thick eyelashes. They stood out in my pale face that was marred by purple bruises. My unkempt brown ringlets hung down my thin back. “Are you going to hit me again?” I had lost my first tooth and my lips were swollen causing me to lisp. The man crouched down and looked me in the eyes. “I will if you scream. If you make a noise then I will beat you till you are blue all over.” My eyes widened “you are going to kill me?” The man bared his teeth ever so slightly.

“You know I am, and God and his Angels won’t want to come for you will they. Because you will have been a naughty girl; not doing what you are told.” I do not know what part of my seven year old brain that touched but a part of me wanted to scream. To scream louder and longer than I had before. I knew that he was lying. I knew that God and his Angels will always be there for me.“Are you going to scream?”


He was true to his word. I could barely move. My reflection as he glared down at me was a sobbing mess of a child, still screaming in between hiccups and gasps for the breath to continue. Another kick to my stomach and I finally subsided. “Where is God? Where are all his Angels? I told you no one cared” My eyes started burning, I tried to hold back the tears but my world was crashing down on me. My lips parted and raised his fist menacingly but all I did was draw breath. The first tear started to slide down my cheek and he smiled; I had cracked. There would be no more screaming; no more fighting. Because there wasn’t an Angel to hear me.


Just a little taster. If you want me to continue give me a sign! If just one person says something I'll carry on. (well I probably will anyway but it will probably make me do it quicker or with more enthusiasm.

The Narrator is grown up when she is narrating it is not like a present day thing more like memoirs. it is set in the second world war but I don't know how accurate the historical bits will be. I'm sorry and am welcome to any corrections or such. but i will try researching stuff I don't know. So please read on... (when I upload it)

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