chapter 3

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After dinner, I watched a bit of TV and went to sleep.


I woke up to see a note from diesel saying he was out jogging so I got up and did my usual routine.



get dressed.

find something to eat.

i admit, food is my first love. it doesn't fight with you, it doesn't cheat on you. the worst thing that can happen with food is if its bland! no bland food please!

i drove onto the freeway only to see a near gridlock. no one was moving. i was gonna be late. i sighed in frustration pulling out my Raybans and putting them on. the driver next to me drove up a bit and sent down his heavily tinted windows. i just happened to turn that way, my windows were down. he pulled off his shades staring at me, i cocked an eyebrow and smirked. he then wolf whistled to get my attention and winked at me and said " heyy" my neck on default recoiled like a snake on offense.

"nayy" i looked ahead of me and saw the oncoming traffic clear, as the car in front of me sped off, i copied and stepped on the gas peddle.

10 minutes later, I was parked in my reserved spot and rushing into the building. As I entered the top floor, I saw everyone gathered And loud voices, more like argument ,and when I say loud I meant booming loud. I listened in, there was a man's voice and a woman's . The man was definitely Ronan. Something just propelled me into the room and there I was... standing before my boss and an expensive looking woman. She had all the brands taped around her and carried that sophisticated queen attitude. She looked at me in disgust but I, being all attitudinal, give her a bitch -what-you-looking-at look.
"Who is this? A little worker of yours? My! isn't she something?! " I mustered up whatever peace and tolerance I had left not to punch her in that make up heavy face of hers.
" get out Bethany! And don't show your face here ever again! " Ronan boomed out , he slammed his fist on the table and breathed heavily. Bethany quickly walked out of the room slamming the sorry so hard, I felt sorry for my ear bells and the hinges. Two words. Pissed scared. I took easy and cautious steps towards him and went by his side.

"Are you okay?" I asked gently rubbing his shoulder. i mentally argued as to why i was encouraging all of this. part of me just wanted to continue part of me wanted to slap myself.

Within the blink of an eye, he grabbed me and pulled me under him.

"God! you smell so good!" His hands wrapped themselves around my waist and hip.

The door was locked and we were alone. I could tell he was avoiding the situation and my questions so I put my hands around his neck and drew circles idly.

"Thanks, I try my best" and I gave him a sweet smile. He growled out at me. Since when he growls?
"Keep tempting me honey bee, keep tempting me, all actions have consequences." I gulped nervously at his words. I forced some energy in me to push him back on his chair, his hair was messy and all over the place, his gray blue suit admonished his physical features, making me admittingly want him. Hey a man in a suit is a lady in lingerie, very very appealing
I decided to just massage his shoulders and neck, to ease the tension of course. He groaned and refixated himself on the chair. My legs were almost jelly by that time.
"You're going to be repositioned in my office " he said. That smacked me out of my daydream.
"What? Why?" I asked.
"Because clearly you being close to me has some benefits. And That's final" his voice held all that dominance and authority. It was a turn on. He pulled my hands and bit them. Both of them! Thrills waved through my body.
"And I mean it, you have been the sweet tonic of my life for the last days, and I intend to keep it that way."
"I'm a bitch at times, just saying "
"I like you feisty..Just saying" he said "and on those days when you're extra bitchy,I have the perfect remedy to ease you up "
"And what is that remedy? "
"Well you'll see when the time comes" i gulped again. he's such an asshole...
By after lunch, Everything from my cubicle was moved to his office. Man! You should've seen the wide smile on his face! I hate you so much! He threw a smirk my way. The girls from accounting grinned when they saw us. Why are you people grinning? This isn't funny!!! It seemed that everyone was happier in the company seeing us goof around.
"Scarlett, can you just photocopy some of these papers ?" Ronan handed the papers to me.
"Sure sir" I said.
I walked to the machines and placed copy paper into the latch. I placed the papers in and waited for first batch. I looked at my watch and for some reason, I was seeing everything tinted. Like a natural vignette setting in my eyes. My lids felt heavy so I stuck in the other paper and sat on the couch beside the printers for it. Next thing I knew, I was lying on the couch, falling asleep.

Where is scarlett? I wondered since she hadn't return from printing the papers. I got up and walked through the aisle to the printers , the papers were photocopied but there wasnt any sign of Scarlett. Then I heard a small, quiet sigh next to the printers. I peeped over and saw scarlett dozing on the couch. I called an employee over asking them to place the papers on my desk and lock the door after. I walked up to scarlet, carefully, placed my hands under her legs and the small of her back and lifted her off. I took the elevator to the ground parking. My car was already waiting for me. I placed scarlett in the back with me . Her head rested on my lap and her hair tumbling down like a beautiful fortress of vines. She smiled. I instructed my chauffeur to go to her address. I pulled up the partition and looked at scarlett. Just being engulfed by her beauty. Her presence. Her aroma.
She made it hard for me to even think straight. Wait till mother hears about this.

Hullo pumpkins!
Seasons greetings!!
Hope you enjoy the chapter.... I have been working on this chapter for the longest. *Sighs*
Stars and comments sil vous plait !

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