TMI Tg Questions

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TMI Tag Questions is so much fun to answer! :D (( admin will do also cause I'm bored but I will post mine on my other account @FrozenAnna :) ))


1: What are you wearing? Sweat pants and a pink sweater :3

2: Ever been in love? Maybe? o_o

3: Ever had a terrible breakup? I don't think so..

4: How tall are you? 5'1

5: How much do you weigh? 90 lbs.

6: Any tattoos? Nope

7: Any piercings? Nope

8: OTP? BADE!! Beck x Jade

9: Favorite show? Sesame Street! I answered this on a prev. question tho

10: Favorite bands? Uhhh

11: Something you miss? My friends D:

12: Favorite song? Can't name one!

13: How old are you? 17!

14: Zodiac sign? Leo

15: Quality you look for in a partner? Silly and sweet --- oh and gives me bibbles and cupcakes. 

16: Favorite Quote? "Be yourself because everyone is taken."

17: Favorite actor? Many to mention!

18: Favorite color? RED, PINK, MAGENTA

19: Loud music or soft? soft c:

20: Where do you go when you’re sad? eat desserts

21: How long does it take you to shower? 30 minutes. I mean cmon' I have to check if my red hair is fading!! :/

22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 15 mins :3

23: Ever been in a physical fight? YES

24: Turn on? This is about a guy right? Silly and sweet as bibble! :3

25: Turn off? a person who cheats :c

26: The reason I joined Youtube? How about The Slap? :/

27: Fears? Criticism

28: Last thing that made you cry? insult :(

29: Last time you said you loved someone? *ponders*

30: Meaning behind your YouTube Name? ME! :D

31: Last book you read? none

32: The book you’re currently reading? The Cat and The Bibble

33: Last show you watched? Glee

34: Last person you talked to? Emma

35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? Friends c ;


37: Place you want to visit? A wax museum! 

38: Last place you were? At the mall

39: Do you have a crush? maybeh

40: Last time you kissed someone? :3

41: Last time you were insulted? I cant remember. I get insulted a lot! D:

42: Favorite flavor of sweet? Honey?

43: What instruments do you play?? Piano and a lot tho

44: Favorite piece of jewelery? Earrings

45: Last sport you played? Golf

46: Last song you sang? Pink Champagne

47: Favorite chat up line? What's that suppose to mean? ;o

48: Have you ever used it? The what???

49: Last time you hung out with anyone? Just a while ago :3

50: Who should answer these questions next? The readers & silent readers! hehe

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