~Chapter Two~

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Chapter Song

Ignite – AJ Salvatore feat. Brenner


Scarlett sat in the street still in absolute and total disbelief. She had known for quite some time now the depths Hunter would go to humiliate her. The things he would scheme to put her in her place and make sure he always had the upper hand.
But going after one of his own charter members just because he was her cousin? This was a new low, one she hadn't ever imagined. Which was exactly why she was forced to divorce him.

He had come over that night with the sole purpose of fückĩng her all while he had already schemed the murder of her cousin.

How did he get this way?

Hunter was never a loyal citizen of the town, she'd be lying to herself had she ever convinced herself of that.
He was exactly what he seemed on the outside. He broke the rules, he got things done at all costs and he'd dȧmn well run anyone and everyone down who got in his way.
And Scarlett had always found that eerily attractive.

She wasn't into gentle, flowers and dinner dates. A good fück and loyalty towards her was all she ever asked of Hunter and he delivered on the fück every single time. The loyalty? Well that was up for debate.
But somewhere along the way things had changed. Hunter had grown more aggressive, while Scarlett began to see the depths of his evil, and it was an evil not even she thought she could cope with, and Scarlett was no stranger to evil.

The roar of the Harley riding down the main street before it turned and pulled up a few feet away from her instantly snapped her attention back to reality. She was a sucker for the sound and was quite proficient at identifying which roar belonged to which charter.
This particular roar from The Dark Shadows, long time rivals and pains in Hunters ȧśś.

"Hey Scar, you're out early?" Diesel questioned making his way towards her direction as she sat silently on the curb in front of the local pharmacy. She needed to get out of the house and away from all the problems Hunter had brought in with him.

"Mmhm." Holding the burning cigarette within her fingers she barely acknowledged him. "Suppose so."

"Back with Hunter again I see?"

Making a sound of disapproval she rolled her eyes almost angrily at his statement.

What was it with the people in this town and thinking they know everything?

Before she could let him have a piece of her mind he sat down next to her. His strong long legs bending at the knees uncomfortably being so low to the ground. Reaching to grab her cigarette he took a long drag then placed it back between her fingers before she was even able to miss it.

Benjamin James Cole, now known as Diesel, was a force to be reckoned with. But rarely did people attempt it!
Growing up in the town with his father as President of The Dark Shadows, he almost had no choice but to follow his reckless path.
Unlike most of the bikers around town, Diesel was much more refined. Although blessed with mid length blonde hair and piercing blue eyes he liked to keep his appearance in check. At times he would work a full but immaculately trimmed beard, and other times he was man enough to change things up and go with a fairly short stubble and messy bun the bikers around here were not used to seeing. But unlike the other bikers, Diesel was always a hit with the younger ladies, which was just the way he liked it.

He wasn't your average, tall dark and handsome. No. Diesel was certainly tall, broad shoulders that would make most professional athletes green with envy at the sight of him. And that oh so perfect tan. He was certainly the outdoor type with that bronzed sun kissed skin.
However, to say he was flawless would be a lie. Diesel had battle scars, and numerous ones! A right cheek bone that never really had the chance to heal properly after a bar fight, but it sure did give him character and the majority of the ladies around town thought in a good way, including the lady he received said punch in the face for.
A few minor stab wounds around his lower left abs and several slashes around his arms.

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