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| Prologue |

Two Years Ago

He felt uneasy.

Uneasy and intrigued.

As a man well traveled, he was used to the persistent rocking of the strong tides beneath him. It was what lay ahead that made him worry so.

Normally, a man in such a state would be enraptured to see land after so long. Truly he was eager to decamp from Poseidon's hold, for he feared the god had some personal vendetta against him, but the woman sent shivers down his spine.

She was a vision. Comely. Her dark hair splayed out over her shoulders and protected her modesty in areas her attire did not. One could easily mistake her for a siren, but he knew better as he'd faced the archfiends before.

She was a godess, this much he knew. Which meant her beauty was both great and terrible. He shivered in both awe and fear for what he believed to be a daughter of Aphrodite herself.

He felt himself being pulled to her against the tides. He was inticed by her exotic allure, but more so by her eyes.

Deep pools of hazel stared back at him and the corners of her mouth rose slightly higher the closer he got. He could feel himself slipping into her grasp.

When he was close enough, she reached out her hand and stroked one finger along his jawline. And Odysseus knew he had found her.


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