Changed My Mind

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"Don't think I'm not attracted to you, god knows you're fine. With no disrespect to you, I don't allow my body rule my mind."
We Got To Hit It Off by Millie Jackson

I speedily apply the paste to the brush. I wash out the small cup I use for scent beads- used for when I have baths. I fill up the fresh and cleaned cup and head over to my husband.He is completely asleep, so I am forced to pull his lip apart to gain access to his whole set of teeth.

The foam the toothpaste has created has begun to spill out of his mouth. I try to encourage him to spit into the cup, but he's passed out cold. I shake his body, and after wiggling his head, he starts to groan. His eyes flutter open. "Spit," I instruct, and he does so sloppily. I wish that he could rinse with the water I'm holding, but it seems like an impossible task. I rinse the cup, place the beads inside, and proceed to walk out. I close the door behind me.

I walk down the hall fast when I notice a noise coming from the phone. Is he shouting for me?I place the phone to my ear, prepared to state my presence, but his angelic voice stops me from doing so.

I've never heard him like this. Not on any record, not on any commercial have I heard him sing so beautifully. He isn't singing a song of his, that I know for sure, but I believe it should be. "When you wish, upon a star, makes no difference who you are," he sings soothingly in a hushed tone. "Anything," he chuckles, and I readjust the phone onto my other ear as I sit down and listening to his harmonic vocals. "Your heart desires can come to you. Your heart is in your dreams. No request is too extreme. When you wish, upon the stars," he pauses briefly. "As dreamers, do" he achieves an impressive run, that almost brings me to tears.

"That was beautiful," I state quietly.

"Oh, Isabelle!" He laughs, a bit flustered. "I didn't know you were listening..," he giggles some more. "But thank you," I can hear his smile by his pronunciation.

"Your welcome, wow" I chuckle a bit as I notice goosebumps on my forearm.

He chuckles a bit at my response. "How was brushing your husband's teeth?" He says between faint laughter.

"Oh..," I laugh along. "It was fine.." my tone of voice says otherwise.

"Is he drunk or something?" He asks in a serious tone.

"Yeah.. how did you know?" I question his knowledge of the situation.

"There aren't many other reasons a grown man can't complete a task like that, unless he is unconscious due to a medical issue, if that's the case, you should be on the phone with the ambulance right away, mam' " he jokes in a lower tone than usual.

"Yeah.. yes, you're right," I chuckle softly. "Things have been hard for him," I state as I look in the direction of our bedroom.

"I understand."

"Anyways, why did you call Michael?" I question in a curious tone.

"Yesterday you said we would finish our conversation tomorrow, and I.. I waited a while, so I thought it was best to call you." I smile at his eagerness.

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