Just A Bet

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McKenna's POV

Disappointment, sadness, and anger. That's what I felt right this moment.

I thought everything was perfect, he and I were happy. I loved him and he loved me. My friends tried to warn me about him. That he was just a player, he was going to use me and then would dump me. I didn't believe them at that time because he told me he saw something different in me form other girls and that he would change. Change for me. So me, being the stupid and naive girl I was, gave in after some time of him persuading me.

Change my fùcking äss.

It was all just a bet for him. I was just a bet for him.

What the fùck am I talking so much about? Well, let's see...

(3 hours ago...)

Shawn and I were supposed to meet up at or usual secret spot, but my mom is asking for me to go visit her, and since I've been avoiding my parents so much lately because of hanging out too much with Shawn I decided we could just hang out real quick in his house, eat our favorite ice cream together, and then I would be leaving to visit my parents out of town. They live 3 hours away from so I would have to leave Shawn's house before nights comes.


After I bought the ice cream, I drove towards Shawn's house to surprise him.

When I arrived I saw his friends' cars in his driveway, I hopes it wouldn't bother them for me to come up as a surprise.

I got out of the car, picked the ice cream, and walked towards the entrance. Surprisingly it was open. Shawn's door is usually locked, but I guess because his friends were here, he was waiting for someone else.

I started to walk towards the living room, where I heard lots of voices...

"Yeah pretty fun, we are supposed to hang out today in our usual spot," I was pretty sure that was my boyfriend's voice. Shawn. Shawn Mendes.

Just hearing his voice made me sigh in happiness.

"Man you sound like a lovesick fool" a voice said. I think I recognized it as Jackson, one of his best buddies.

"Maybe you really DID fall in love with her!" someone else said.

I silently scoff, of course he-

"Of course I didn't. It was all just another one of the usual bets. She is just another fùcking idiot who fell for it, I was actually thinking of breaking up with her today," Shawn says.

I stop breathing and my brain shuts down.

'Another fùcking idiot...'

That's when my hiding spot was discovered when the ice cream fell from my hands and everyone turned to look at me.

Even him.

"Kenna?" He asked.

"No. My name is McKenna, only my friends call me Kenna," I say with a broken voice.

And then I run, I get out of there and never turn around even though I hear his screams and pleads to stop.


He was just probably trying to stop me so he could laugh at my face.

So I ran faster until I took off driving towards my parents' house. Good thing my packed bag was already in the car.

~End Of Flashback~

Shawn's POV

When I saw Kenna standing there, I immediately paled. I knew she had heard everything, at least everything to know the truth, but this time I truly didn't mean to hurt her.

She actually DID change me, I was just trying to act cool in front of my friends, I mean ex-friends. She made me realize that the people I was hanging out with were sick and heartless. I truly did fall in love with McKenna, she broke all the barriers I had built for myself. Even before we made the bet, I had a tiny crush on her, so all the moments we had together were real. Everything was real for me.

And I regret it. I regret not telling her, I regret playing with her, I regret hanging out with those guys, and I regret making that stupid bet.

"I'm so sorry Kenna," I sob. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean for all of this to happen"

I tried to stop her and explain, but if I had been her, would I have listened?

No, who wants to listen to the explanation the playboy had for you?

No one.

She probably hated me already.

Another sob.

I've tried calling her, but it just sends me straight to her voicemail, I tried texting her, but none of them have been delivered, apparently she has blocked me in every single media and contact we had.

I fùcking love her and because of that I am going to fix it.

McKenna's POV

I've been in my room for 2 days straight now. My parents asked me if I was okay, and like most people wouldn't, I told my parents everything, they were the only friends I had left, all of my other friends left me because of fights we had that had to do with Shawn's and I's-now ex-relationship.

Who would've thought? I lost all of my friends because of him. He made believe something that wasn't even real to him, I sacrificed my everything, even the family time I used to have with all of my family is gone now, I'm not that closed to them because of him.

I hate him.

He broke me.

And I won't ever forgive him.


Watcha dooooing?😍 (Lol did you ever watch Phineas and Ferb?)

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