Part 6

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Originally this was supposed to end three chapters ago. I’d done everything I planned, but after two reviewers (at requested I didn’t stop writing I decided to reread what I had written and, I’ve got to say, my sense of humor is strange. I’ve decided to continue for a little bit.

Part Six:

Entry 5,

The night had gone on without anything else strange happening, until I decided to leave, then all bloody hell broke loose.

I’m not taking a note out of Harry Potter when I say bloody either. I mean it was really gushing red blood and sliced skin with yellow chunks of fat, tissue, and…painful stuff!

 Currently, I’m in a part of Sanctuary that caters to shifting animals when they get hurt, and just got patched up myself by the delicious, personal Sanctuary Veterinarian.  That’s right, I said it! Shifting animals…Cats!

::Scene set::

“It’s been spiffy talking with you, but I have a job to get to.”

It was the last sentence I’d spoken to that group of gorgeous men and it wouldn’t seem to leave my mind. Honestly, could I have said anything dorkier?



Nodding to the blond beauty at the door with a bow and arrow tattoo, I walked towards the alley where I’d parked my car, hoping I hadn’t gotten a ticket. I couldn’t very well park in the parking lot; it had been way too crowded. I don’t like cars as it is. I mean they’re pretty and everything, but me driving them is a whole other story. I was lost in my thoughts, but not too lost to ignore the deep warning growl in the middle of the alley. Stopping my tracks, I turned slowly to see a tiger.

I couldn’t scream like a normal person. Of course not because calling for help would’ve been the smart thing to do, instead I taunted the beast. I swallowed and poked myself in the thigh to get it to shift backwards. “Hello kitty.” 

At least my mind was telling me to try and move my body, but it wasn’t enough of a fight flight response to get away because after the word ‘kitty’ left my mouth the tiger pounced on me. The sharp hot pain sliced through my gut and I felt wet blood trickling down my ruined cat suit.

For some odd reason I had a feeling that the tiger was holding back, like it didn’t want to kill me, it just wanted to play with me.  I felt like shouting at it. Explaining it wasn’t proper to play with food. Clutching my stomach I voiced my opinion, letting it know that it really ought naught to be playing with me.

I swear the tiger chuckled and for some reason it reminded me of a man with the bluest eyes one could ever imagine. Eyes that reminded me of that moment before the sun rises, just when the skies is such a pure blue it could almost bring you to tears at the beauty. The difference is those ‘human’ eyes belonged to a tiger that was about to have a rather boney lunch.

Nausea washed over me as I clutched my stomach, hoping to stop the bleeding and possibly ward off the sharp debilitating pains that shot through me. Chunks of vomit filled my throat and I broke out into a cold sweat trying to deal with the pain and hold it down. On the up side, I knew if I did throw up I would at least get another taste of that succulent steak.

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