Chapter 8

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 After a few food pit-stops and a nearly sixteen hour drive later, we were all piling out of the van in a hotel parking lot in Miami. The time was going on eleven o'clock, and I felt like my body hadn't truly rested in nearly twenty-four hours. Shannon sprinted into the hotel with Candice, since they had been voicing their need to use the bathroom for the past fifty miles. The dads went in the lobby to check us into the hotel, while the guys began to unload one of the vans.

The Miami weather strongly differed from the Baltimore weather from this morning. It was extremely humid, and I found myself immediately ditching my navy blue hoodie as I stepped out of the car. The temperature must have been near the mid 70ºs, and I had forgotten what warmth in early March felt like.

"Hey." Alex nudged my shoulder as he walked over to me. "After we get all this stuff unpacked, I'm trying to check out the pool." I raised an eyebrow at him. "Wanna come with?"

"Pretty sure most hotels close their pools before this time of night." I answered.

"I knew you'd say that, so that's why I'm glad there's a public beach right behind this hotel." He responded proudly. I rolled my eyes at him. "Oh, come on. Please?"

"We'll see, Alex."

"'We'll see' is good enough for me." He started pacing backwards away from me and towards the other guys. "You always cave!"

To say the least, he was exhausting.

I grabbed my suitcase and pulled it in the hotel lobby. Rian nodded towards the elevator, where I saw the other three girls waiting. I made my way over to them, and Laura immediately gave me a skeptical look. I gave one back to her before she had the chance to speak up.

"Why are you and Alex doing whatever you're doing?" She asked, quite aggressively. I was taken aback for a moment, but I could tell Shannon was too based on her expression.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned, even though I knew exactly what she was talking about. I honestly didn't have an answer, because I, myself, was still trying to figure out where I stood with Alex in this very moment.

"Don't act like you weren't halfway on his lap in the car. I saw you two holding hands. Now, would you please be so kind to elaborate on what the hell you are doing?" Laura challenged from where she leaned against the wall.

"Calm down, Laura. We are not doing this now." Candice stepped in. "As if it's your business anyways."

"No, it's definitely our business. We aren't going to let what happened last time happened again." Laura fought back. Wow, 2005 Sabrina, you really picked a keeper. Note to self: make better friends.

"See, what we aren't going to do is start this trip off on the wrong foot." I shot back. "We're here to support the guys, not fight over things that aren't worth fighting over." Laura finally surrendered with an exaggerated sigh and a shake of her head. I tried to figure out how I was going to deal with all of this for another week, since I know I'm going to be stuck around everyone else.

We eventually made it up to our rooms on the fourth floor. The guys were in one room, the dads were in another, and then all of us girls were together. Candice called dibs on sharing a bed with me, for which I was grateful. Since we were all exhausted from the trek from Baltimore, pretty much everyone wanted to go to bed immediately. I was changed into my pajamas and laying in bed when I received a text from Alex.

From Alex: soooooo...beach? :)

To Alex: you're too much

From Alex: is that a yes?

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