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Clouds were spread to the edges of the sky and by 11 p.m I dozed off to have the best bout of sleep in history.

The blanket tumbled off. My body was drenched in cold sweat. I shivered without restraint. Dark shadows tapped my bedroom window. One almost looked like it was smiling. 

Disregarding this idea, I found myself in the bathroom. I don't know how I got there. But I was taking a shower in a halloween ghost costume. The normal laundry sheet kind. 

I couldn't see much through the eye holes. The water splashed like rain. 

My hands moved to hold the sides of my swimming head. The bristles of my facial hair scratched my hands. But my fingers found gaping holes in the place of ears.

I turned around to face a mirror. I saw a puppet staring blankly at me. Blue and simple in design. The eyes were large mismatched shirt buttons. One drooped and gave me a lazy glance. It's beady eyes stared lifelessly at me. I raised my arms towards the simple alien. It answered by slashing my throat. I could have screamed.

But all I did was stare at the cool sea weed hair crowning a wrinkly picture of hell. I tried to scream but I heard nothing. My neck was clamped in chains as my hand searched through my throat. I felt a oozy  His face was twisted cruelly with wrinkles. He spat primal phrases to my face. His worms snarled at me with hate. The blue puppet was in his left hand.  

My hands were tied to the arms of a chair. Rows of oak surrounded me. But the shelves carried menacing gargoyles and mini- beachball men. They mocked and took pictures of me. My wrists bled as I vainly twisted away.

 He was smiling with an evil curl with his sea weed hair plastered all over his face. Now we were even. Instead of a shirt, he had green scales that shedded into the wet ground. I twisted again. He stood infront of me and pointed a finger down.

My eyes followed. It was curved towards the centre and there was a drainage hole at the bottom. The whole area was a sink. And it was wet not with water. But blood and mottled green skin. His skin.

The beach-ball man looked like he was losing his form. And he was not alone. My surroundings meshed and churned around me as I sat in the eye of a murky tornado. I twisted again and my arm fell off like a lump of butter. It was melting and streaming into the sink.

My legs followed the buttery mess. Next the body. Then my head. The hole gurgled as everything sank with a flush.

"Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything."

It was still dark outside when I woke up. My curtains flew with emotion. The air smelt like rain. And I saw it sitting against the wall. The droopy eye looked at me with a stare that drew. And it sat there alone with nothing to do. It was the executioner's noose waiting for me. And maybe you too. 

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