Part 6

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Almost half an hour had passed since I left Obi Wan and I couldn't find anything suspicious. If it wasn't for the creepy bounty hunter, I would had considered this place pretty peaceful. Just as I'm about to join Obi Wan to the ship, I hear a noise coming from the other end of the hallway. I turn my head very quickly to discover a man in a metal armor. 'Holly crap!' I think as I recognise the guy who shot the poisoned dart on Coruscant. Unfortunately for me, he spots me before running straight at the next door leading to a landing dock. I quickly follow him as I meet Obi Wan coming from another hallway. He starts running next to me without any hesitation and opens his lightsabre as we reach the dock where a huge spaceship is waiting for the man. He starts shouting at us with a blaster. Obi Wan immediately jumps in front of me to block every shoot with his lightsabre as we continue running like never before.

We are finally able to catch him and he takes out a sword to protect himself just as we strike our blades on his. A wild battle begins under the pouring rain of Kamino. After what feels like hours, the bounty hunter kicks Obi Wan in the stomach, sending him flying over the edge of the small landing dock. Completely forgetting about my surroundings, I start running like mad, screaming his name. I can't find any sign of him as I bend over the edge. The rain and the tears already forming in my eyes are blinding my vision. I feel like my heart is breaking in million pieces.

Taking advantage of my distraction, Jango runs to his ship before lifting the doors close. The noise of the engine flying off pulls me back to reality. I turn around and take a tracer out of my belt before throwing it at the ship. I hear footsteps coming my way as I see the ship flying off. I turn around again just to be meet by Obi Wan running towards me with his lightsabre still on. I can't believe my eyes. I suddenly throw myself at him without a second thought, hugging him tightly.

If I wouldn't have let my emotion take the best of me, I would probably have noticed the small iron grapnel hooked to a nearby pole, the small rope attached to it allowing him to swing onto a small dock underneath.

I burry my face in his chest, wanting to feel that he's still alive. After a short hesitation, he finally hugs me back, gently rocking me.

"I thought you were dead" I mumble into his chest in a shaking voice. Tears are rolling uncontrollably down my face.

"Hey, it's okay I'm here. Everything is fine." He says in a reassuring voice.

He lets go of me in order to look me in the eyes. "We need to hurry. We can't let him escape. He can be the key leading us to the whole conspiracy. We must go right now."

I nod my head slightly before saying "I put a tracer on his ship. We should have no difficulty to follow him to his destination".

Obi Wan smiles at me before kissing my forehead "I knew I could count on you, love".

The nickname combined with the kiss are enough to make me crack a smile. My face turns bright red. He takes hold of my hand before heading quickly to the ship, with me smiling like an idiot. 

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