*Welcome & Warning!*

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Hi guys and welcome to the madness that has been in my head since 2015 - I'm not even joking... If you scroll down my profile page all the way to the 5th November 2015 I sent a message to you all for biker names hahahaha

Well finally here we are - this is Scarlett Rivera's story... I'm not ready to start posting so just add this to your library for updates (well sort of... I hear wattpad haven't quite fixed that glitch yet lol)

Now sound the alarm...


This book contains extremely explicit content. I'm talking sȅx and violence - so if that's not your thing I kindly invite you to leave...

Now, for those of you remaining... I'm very excited to present this story to you all. This is still my romance genere like you would have experienced in my mafia series, but this one is darker and I do have to warn you about that. 

Scarlett is not your average girl, she's very much on the wrong side of well, everything.

She will have a love interest, this I can assure you. Buuuut she also has a past as you would have read in my little blurb/teaser.

Her ex husband is an MC President and I don't know how much you all know about bikers but ahhh yeah, they ain't the kind that you just divorce and you're on your way to a shiney new life.


If you're not sure what something means, just ask and I'll kindly explain, I may be throwing in biker terms here and there.

If you're unsure what the heck my blurb even meant... Well the final line:

From ol'lady, to fair game...

That means she 'belonged' to her husband the MC President - that was her life as an "ol'lady"

"Fair game" well that means exactly what it says - she is now fair game to anyone out there, free to do as she pleases...

Or so she thinks...

So that's a little bit about Scarlett. If this bad girl intrigues you then I'll see you all when chapter one commences (don't ask when because I don't know haha just follow me and add this to your library, I always write on my wall to notify my followers of updates)


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