[88] 24 Things That Secretly Turn Him On

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24 Things That Secretly Turn Him On

1. Her smell.

When a guy first notices a girl they like, they look at everything, beginning with the physical characteristics. Her clothes, her hair, the way she walks. However when he is really attracted to a girl, he starts to notice other things like her distinctive smell. [maybe lol]

2. She’s not too picky.

Guys don’t want to date a girl who is too high maintenance. They want to be with someone who is relaxed, and is easy to be around. She doesn’t get upset easily over small details or when things don’t go her way. [lol i'll eat anything if that counts]

3. She has a nice smile.

One of the things a guy loves about a girl is her smile. A smile can tell you a lot about someone’s personality. He loves seeing her sweet smile and being able to make her smile too. [my teetht are yellow so idk lol]

4. She is social.

When he sees other people drawn to a girl, he becomes curious and eventually gets attracted as well. Guys see who she really is through her friends. A girl with a lot of friends is outgoing and knows how to have a good time. [lol this is out for me]

5. She is family-oriented.

Look at how this girl interacts with her own family. When a guy sees that she has a good relationship with her family members, he appreciates that because it makes him think that she would make a good mother and life partner in the future. [then i dont want him to see me with my sister] 

6. She doesn’t take a long time to get ready.

Guys hate waiting for a girl who seems indecisive or takes too long to get ready. When a girl takes a long time to get ready, he may think that she is insecure with her looks or doesn’t respect his time. If a guy likes you, he already thinks you are beautiful as you are. [lol out again for me]

7. She’s doesn’t hesitate to get her hands dirty.

Guys like a girl who is determined and gets down to business. She does her own dirty work because she doesn’t think that she is better than any job. She understands the value of hard work very well. [most definetly in for me woo]

8. She doesn’t complain too much.

There are some people who whine a lot and only see the negative side of things. Instead of trying to think of how they can improve the world, they use their energy to focus on what they can’t change. A girl who doesn’t complain a lot is nice to have around because she knows that complaining doesn’t do anything for anyone. [pfft i never complain..]

9. She doesn’t wear too much makeup.

Surprisingly, more and more guys prefer the natural look than to a girl who is fully made up. They would rather see a girl this way because it shows that she has nothing to hide. Remember, make up can only change the way someone looks, not their personality. [idk maybe? lol i dont wear THAT much just hide my bags (under my eyes)]

10. She is not afraid of discomfort.

She challenges herself because she knows this is the best way to learn and grow. She faces her fears head-on and does not run away from her problems. Guys like this in a girl because men are problem-solvers by nature. [maybe?]

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