chapter 2

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Bryan's Pov

"Look Bryan go to the next warehouse on your left you will found a bag contains one million dollar, you take it and wait until it's 7 and two men will arrive with the other bag which contains the drugs switch bags and come back to take your money"

"Ok when i finish i will give you a call" i said hanging up

after half an hour 

i dialed the boss's number 

"hey boss i lost the money and drugs in the warehouse" 

boss said ; get back all my money and drugs now or i'll kidnap you until i have my money back and make your family suffer do you understand " he yelled through the phone

 i hang up nervously not knowing what do

he get back home and look  after his family 

the next day he went to school as normal but on his way there a black van stopped in front of him one of the guys in the van slide the door open and five muscular guys attacked Bryan and kidnapped him 

in the van one of them blindfolded and put a bag on his face Bryan and he fainted because he  can't bare narrow places 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2018 ⏰

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