Chapter 8

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I heard footsteps running after me and turned around to see Harry chasing after me. 

"Please, Cassi! I just want to get to know my sister!" He cried, grabbing my hand. I huffed, looking at him. I caught a glimpse of Quirrell passing by behind him. I smirked, turning back to Harry.

"Fine. If you really want to get to know me that bad, come sit at Slytherin. Make the effort to be my brother and accept the fact that I'm a Slytherin and that I was raised differently than you." I exclaimed, "Tomorrow, the Slytherins and I are celebrating All Hallows Eve together during the feast. Join us, you can help me honor mom and dad.".

He looked hesitant but nodded slowly. Letting go of my hand, he made his way back to wherever he was headed. Shaking my head, I started on my way back to Slytherin Common Room. 

Entering the common room, I was bombarded by Draco.

"Cassi, have you decided on the ritual? Can I help?" He questioned, looking up at me wide-eyed. 

I smiled, ruffling his hair, and nodded, "I suppose. Come on we can look for a ritual to do in my dorm.". 

He smiled, bouncing after me. We stopped in front of the door. Glancing behind us, I noticed the common room looking at Draco, before I glared at them. 

Hissing at the door, it opened. Holding it open for Draco, we made our way inside. 

"Oh, my Merlin! Cas, this room is amazing!" Draco gasped, running over and jumping onto my couch.

"At least try to act civilized Draco, Aunty Cissa would have a fit if she knew you just jumped on the couch." I exclaimed with a laugh. He sat up quickly, looking at me over the couch.

"You won't tell her, will you?" He muttered, looking at me with a pout.

I laughed, ruffling his hair again, "No. You don't tell her when I don't act lady like, I won't tell her when you're not a gentleman.". 

He nodded, pulling me down onto the couch with him. Flopping down, my head landed on his lap. Glancing up at him, we both started laughing.

"Okay, we need to start looking for a ritual. We only have a few hours left to find and plan it." I exclaimed, opening the book so we both could read it.

"Is it possible to go to Stonehenge? It has the strongest set of Ley Lines in Scotland aside from the ones here at Hogwarts. We don't even know where the Ley Lines center here." Draco stated, pulling me up so I was sitting, head rested on his shoulder. 

"I bet I could find them but depending on where they are Dumbledore will find us. And we can't possibly get everyone out to Stonehenge." I replied, looking at him, "I can go looking for them tonight. Or even see if Uncle Sev knows where they are. He'd have to for certain potions.".

He nodded, wrapping an arm around my shoulders, "Can I spend the night here? I miss home.".

"Yeah, after you go to bed, I'll go look for the Ley Lines. I should be back before midnight. If I'm not back by morning, go get Uncle Sev."

Standing up, I made my way over to the closet and pulled out a pair of shorts and oversized shirt, tossing them at Draco.

"I'll be back, go to bed."

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