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Welcome to the character awards! We've decided to give away these awards to the authors who've really wow-ed us with their characters. Characters, along with the plot line, are the most important part of a story. They're not props or extras, but they're always in the center of attention, and that's why they need to be perfect and fitting for your story.

In this book, we'll give away three awards per four categories. There'll be a first place, a second place and a third place, each with their own prizes.

Every first place winner will receive:
- A full review by the judges
- A golden sticker for on their book cover
- A permanent spot in our Winners reading list
- A follow

Every second place winner will receive:
- A full review by the judges
- A silver sticker for on their book cover

Every third place winner will receive:
- A bronze sticker for on your book cover

The categories are: Best Character Development, Most Realistic Characters, Best Written Characters & Most Empathized Characters. Each of these categories will be further explained in the chapter where you will be able to nominate yourself.


- You can only nominate your book once. You can nominate multiple books in each a different category, but only one category per book is allowed.

- We're judging your MAIN CHARACTER. If you have multiple (multiple pov's) we'll judge all of them.

- You can't nominate other people's characters but you can tag someone if you think they should nominate themselves!

- Before you nominate yourself you must be following me! So floralize  ! Following this account is not mandatory, but you're always allowed to join the softie club!

- Anyone who's been reported being mean to other nominees will instantly be disqualified. This is the softie club, and we're always nice to each other.

- Add this book to your reading list! It's mandatory, otherwise we won't get enough exposure/nominees. Help us out (:

- Have fun! Don't take it too seriously, this is merely a game and we just want people to enjoy themselves here.

You'll find details about each category in the following chapters, along with a participation form and the rules repeated. Remember that we'll check if you've followed the rules, otherwise you won't be taken to the judges.

Good luck, softie club!

The Character Awards ✓Where stories live. Discover now