Chapter One

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A/N Hey readers! I would like to thank my good friend @sunshineandsprinkles for the AMAZING cover. Make sure to read her books. They are better than mine, lol. Also you can follow my instagram and twitter , @MyBookPicz, for pictures that have to to with my books. I probably won't be uploading a lot because A. school has started and B. I don't have many ideas for this book since I made it in the spur of the moment. Thanks for the support and make sure to vomment (vote + comment).

It was a normal day for Emma. All day she pretended to be happy ,like nothing was wrong while inside she was being torn apart. Being a princess was nice but her sister, Mabelle, was the one that always got praise. No one paid any attention to the younger sister looming in the older sibling's shadows.

Emma's friends were the only ones to comfort her. Her sister was blind to the sadness inside her. Unaware of the darkness arising in Emma.

On Emma's 16th birthday people feared of Emma when they discovered what her special gift was. While Emma had fire that brought destruction, Mabelle had nature which brought life. People stayed away from Emma. They soon forgot abouthow she used to be sweet and loved by all.

While everyone else hated the gift she was blessed, Emma loved her gift. She thought of it as a beautiful light in the dark, cruel world and warmth in the cold, frosty winters.

The day after she had been blessed with the gift of fire she discover that she had also been rarely gifted with one more magic, ice.

Noticing how people reacted with her first special gift she decided to keep her ice magics hidden to all except those closest. Emma was afraid to tell anyone other than her most trusted friends; Kyle, Nathan, Natalie, Melanie, and Isabella.

When Emma received her gifts they weren't just given, her gifts changed how she appeared. Emma used to be a brunette with tan skin and violet eyes. Now she had firey red hair, pale skin as white as snow, pink tinted cheeks, and icy blue eyes.

Some days, Emma would sit alone in her room wondering to herself why she was given gifts that were abnormal for a princess.

Most princesses were given one gift and that gift would bring happiness and joy not fear and hatred.

Her gifts did nothing to help the kingdom unless she was to go into war, but that was not the role of a princess.

A princess's duty was to be prepared to govern a kingdom until time comes to rule over some land of their own. A princess was never meant to go out into battle at all in their life time. But there were princesses that disobeyed orders, right? Yes, except all those princesses got punished and learn to obey the strict rules given.

Now in Emma's century fewer people tended to go against rules. Although some ,like Emma and her friends, would disobey and never get caught.

They never got caught mainly because the things they did that were negative would be for positive reasons so most people over looked it. The keyword is most though, so Emma and her group had to be extra careful with who they messed with.

With help from her friends they would make three plans. Each plan would be designed to have a escape solution. When going against the law they made sure to be extra careful so while planning they talked by writing and even when they wrote they did it in code. After they finished the plans they would memorize them and burn the papers.

You may ask what Emma's lid was like before her gifts. When Emma was little she never imagined being treated so poorly. She had looked forward to her 16th birthday. Everyone in the kingdom had loved her. Whenever she was near she brightened up your day. Emma used to go out of her palace walls and explore. People found it cute how she would pretend like she was on adventure. Even if it was just to buy bread for the less wealthy she would make a game out of it. When Emma was picking flowers for her mother she pretended that if her mother didn't get the flowers she would die and a guard dragon was watching the flower. To defeat the dragon Emma would become friends with it.

Now, when going out of the palace she had to wear a cloak with a hood so no one recognized her. Emma no longer felt free. She felt trapped in the place she used to call home. To her it was no longer her home ,it was just a place she slept and ate at. It would never feel the same way again.

A few years after Emma got her gifts her mother passed away from cancer.
When Emma's mother passed it took a great toll on her family. You would think it would bring them closer ,but it only drifted them farther apart.

Emma's only comfort in her family was her father, but he was too busy with work that the only time she saw him was for dinner and special occasions. Her father started to work 24/7 after her mother's death and her sister stopped talking to her unless needed. Emma was the only one trying to bring her family back together but everything she did failed. Eventually she gave up.

Emma felt hated, disrespected, and unwanted. If she went missing Emma believed no one but her friends would notice.

At dinner today Emma and Mabelle's father said he had an announcement.

"Emma, you will be getting married to Prince Raymond of Dettalas (det-u-las). Since your sister is going to take over the land the only way you would rule would be to marry into it and Raymond will need a queen. Me and King Gavin agreed that this would be the perfect way to make peace with our lands," said her father.

Emma was infuriated, but she was not allowed to talk back to her father with disrespect so all she said was "As you wish, Father".

Mabelle looked at her sister with pity. Even though Mabelle ignored her sister she still had love forsister.

After dinner her father took Emma to discuss plans for when Emma would be meeting Raymond. They would get to know each other for a year and when Emma turns 19 they would plan the wedding.

Emma was not looking forward to meeting Raymond at all. A week from that day they would spend time at the beach house.

Emma's family used to go to the beach house once a year and live like normal people. They haven't visited that place in years. There were so many good memorizes there that she didn't want to ruin it with horrible memories of Raymond.

One of the reason's she was so despised with this arranged marriage was because she didn't know Raymond. The other reason was because someone had already stolen her heart without knowing it.

Yes, Emma was in love. She was in love with Nathan, but he doesn't even know it. At first they were just friends. Then she started to form a crush. Now she is head over heels in love with him, but too afraid to tell Nathan how she really feels about him. Life now seem so unfair and evil to Emma. The only question left to ask is how could it get worse? Little did anyone know, Emma's life was going to take a turn for the worst and the unthinkable will become thinkable.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2014 ⏰

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