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It has been in everybody's mind that in order to live,  business is the co -activity. In life,  business is good though it can lead one to have a life that is being led by greed and fear.  Lets put it this way ,a person from a certain country is a millionaire and has a lot of money he fears to be termed as poor therefore ends up searching for ways to retain his riches. He may either grab other other people's belongings or use any other means thus using the two powers; greed and fear.

Many of us wish to become business people in different grounds. But don't we aim at becoming the best and most successful business person ever?

Someone may be having a business idea which you are neither utilising nor seeking for mentorship. Do you know what you want in life?  Do you have your business mentor?  Is business your co- activity in life?  What steps have you taken to improve your business?

The business you have determines your future and the kind of a person you are and also the kind of accounts you have in banks. For you to be successful in business you must have a rule which is self discipline. For instance,  if you have a business you should not start paying your bills first but pay yourself first then bills will follow. Through this,  you will be motivated to have more business assests than liabilities.

When you pay your bills first that means that whatever you are left with,  you are satisfied. This is not the way to go. Look at it this way,  Dennis has avery big business whereby he has softwares of every kind. Last month he had a total income of two hundred thousand. He had one hundred thousand which he had taken from his savings. When it comes to paying bill he starts paying the mortgage first to settle his bank loan,  followed by the bills.  Later he realises that he has nothing left for him as profit. Thus incuring losses. Williams earns the same amount as Dennis. But the difference comes when paying bills. After william has earned his two hundred thousand he first pays himself  (self iscipline in business) by taking the one hundred  thousand which he had taken from his savings account. He then pays his bills. The he notices that the money left is not enough to settle his bills. So he jas to search for more assets which will bring forth the money inorder to pay his bills thus encouraging him.

All men were created 'equal ' but each has a different way to do his /her business  , this is proved by the way they  earned in their business and the way they manage them.

Losses  are among  the challenges you face in your business.when you face challenges   don't turn out of them and run away  but instead figure how you  will overcome them . The same thing should apply in business.  When challenges like losses occur don't close your business complaining that it's  of no use.  Instead as a business person you should be able to identify the cause of the losses and come up with successful strategies on how to minimise the business losses you are incuring.

Many people are not successful in their business ideas simply because they don't believe in themselves that they have potential to do it. A person may be having a business idea which he /she has not shown up or has not decided to utilise. 

A smooth sea never made a good sailor. The challenges you face in your business will always make you strong , you will be able to identify your weakness in business . There are no level grounds in business  .

In business you don't show off but show up with amazing ideas which will shake the world. Many have done it why not you?  When others sit you stand, when they stand you stand out and when they stand out you outstand them and when they outstand you become the standard measure. Lets put it in business view. When you decide to start a business not all people will be happy, some will try to pull you down while others will try to uplift your business status. Those who aren't  happy will try to be beyond you in term in term of business earning but you should be their standard measure whereby they will use you to determine their business power.

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