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Marina's POV

I got lost in Brooklyn streets almost immediately. I should have told the taxi driver to take me somewhere where most people go to have a drink. As simple as that. But, being a control freak, I wanted to be the one to chose the place.

I observe the bars one by one and nothing seems to be suitable. Too loud! Too naughty! Too quiet! I must seem pretty miserable wandering around all by myself wearing a formal long black dress, smoking ceaselessly...

Ten minutes later, there it is! The "Lonely Hearts Club"! I still don't know what it is that made me want to enter...The neon lights, that vintage theme decoration, its odd notoriety... Inside, "Lonely Hearts" looks like an old 50s American pub, which is nostalgic and beautiful. You can hear the blues playing loud and feel the smell of alcohol in the air. At first, I loved it!

Then, I realise there is something wrong with this place. I move my head around and all I can see is young girls and boys dancing, kissing, touching...Weird motorcyclists flirt with highschool girls. This place is the antithesis of what its name suggests!

I cannot understand those people! Can they even feel love or affection? Or is it that the only thing they're seeking is a quick hookup and free beer? Gets me sick...

How could someone possibly be that miserable? Feeling so lonely, so desperate for love of pure kind, trying to fill the void in the company of a total stranger!

Look at them! Look at "Lonely Hearts Club"! When did love become a roleplay? Look at those girls! I observe them one by one. They're acting naughtier than they are...Picking up stereotypical behaviours to seduce their partners! Teenage lolitas, dark vixens, rebelious punks, beauty queens! All fake...Craving attention.

So, i'm standing there under a shiny label with the words "I'm after a brand new start" written on it. Humiliating, isn't it? Then, the door opens and a young couple enters the place! First comes a pretty inked man wearing jeans and a black shirt. And then, behind him, a breathtakingly beautiful creature, a young girl! Big red lips, golden hair, a shy facial expression of sadness. What is a girl like her doing here? She looks oddly placed here! An innocent, calm, young lady, an angel in the garden of evil! Then, I realise I do not fit in here, either.

I stare at her gorgeous face for more that a minute, she looks worried and puzzled! For a quick moment, our eyes cross! At first, i feel some warmth and, then, nothing but embarassement. I force myself to look away but it's impossible. I am not the only one staring! She certainly stares at me as well... And then, I see her approaching!

I wish she would come to me but instead she rushes towards an old barman right behind me. That barman must be around 50 years old! Inked arms, leather jacket, long blond hair all over his head, fat, yet strong... His accent sounds spanish. They're chatting happily.

I overhear part of their conversation by mistake or on purpose. I don't know!

'...fucking long time! You hardly changed, boss!'

The girl's voice is soft and calming...

'My girl! You are so missed! Remember when you used to sing your songs here back in your troubled days!'

Troubled days?

The man goes on...

'That place was filled with men! Lots of men! Just for you.'

That makes sense...

Then the man turns to the inked guy.

'And brought us a man! Don't worry, boy...Back then, she was unreachable! A decent lady!'

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