Part II : Chapter 16 ~ The Thermopylae Metaphor

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A/N: Ok, all things considered, I'm actually pretty proud I managed to get this chapter done at all this month. There has been a truly insane amount going on, first of which is that I finally worked up the nerve to quit my job! Those of you who follow me on tumblr might remember the drama I had going into my current role, and it really has turned into something that I've realised is not going to be good for me long term. The bright side is the experience I've got from it has made being picked up for new work much easier. So, while I'm not quite in the best place yet, I'm defo on the way there at last! :D

But lets be honest, the majority of you aren't here for A Brief History of Rella's General Life Dramas. You're here to find out what in the Abyss happened to Ellie and Aragorn! And what our favourite elf, dwarf, and Gondorian warrior's reactions are going to be when they find out they're not as dead as they thought.

Well, read on to find out the answer to one of those things. And keep and eye out for the author's notes at the end. I'll not only be posting my list of thanks, but also a little hint to what's coming in the next chapter - one I have literally been waiting years to write. :)

Enjoy x

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Something warm, wet, and foul-smelling was nudging against the side of my face.

"Mmmfrmf..." I heard myself mumble, eyes still firmly shut.

A baffled pause.

Then the warm, wet thing pushed against the side of my head yet again. Once more, I grumbled, one foot still firmly in deep slumber, and unwilling to come out but by force. The wet, smelly annoyance nuzzled my cheek a third time, and this time I made a louder groaning sound, trying to lift my hand to swat whatever it was away, but my arm was too wobbly. Instead, I kind of flopped sideways, away from the sound of the snorting, fumbling for a pillow to pull over my head.

"Piss off...'m tired..." I groaned into my mattress, which seemed a little hard and damp now that I considered it.

Stars, how long had I been asleep for? However long, it didn't feel like long enough. I could feel warm sunlight on my eyelids, feel a hundred different aches, bumps and bruises all starting to demand my attention one by one. And this cold, hard mattress I was curled up on really was the worst-


My hand flew to the back of my head where the wet, smelly thing intent on waking me had taken a big mouthful of my hair, and pulled hard.

Potentially, I realised, as a prelude to eating the rest of me.

I sat bolt up and tried to twist onto my feet, but didn't quite manage it for my shaky legs. I ended up falling straight back onto my butt on my 'mattress', which, now that I was well and truly awake, I remembered was in fact a stony river bank.

And my wake-up-caller?

A horse.

A big, thunderstorm grey stallion stood before me, as tall as I was if I'd been upright. He had no saddle, and no bridle, but from the look of his shape, size and musculature, he had to have been one of the Rohirrim war mounts. No wild bronco could have got to be that big and carry that many battle scars from roaming the Riddermark. And no wild horse could have fixed me with such a distinct, almost sentient look of disapproval.

We just stared at each other for a moment, me sat stupidly on my arse until the stallion gave an imperious snort, as if to say: Well? Are you going to just sit there and gawk?

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