Chapter 7

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Blyke P.O.V

While Remi dragged Elaine to who knows where, John, Seraphina, and well Arlo were standing awkwardly to the side.

Seraphina was talking about John about the headmaster and how she was hoping they could hang out more often. I guessed they barely had classes together this year. John was standing there with a blush on his cheeks very confused. " Em, Sera..."

"Yeah what's up?"

John cleared his throat, "I'm not a photographer but I can picture you and me together."

I mentally slapped myself. John you damn idiot. That has got to be the worst pick up line I have ever heard. The was too much. When we got back to the dorms I would give him a couple that had actually worked on girls, and turned them bright-red. My man deserved it.

"Uh, I know you're not a photographer but we're not hanging out as much which is why I asked the headmaster to change your dorm."


"Um, ok." Clueless as well Seraphina just began talking again. I shook my head and sighed, letting out a small chuckle, that girl doesn't know when a guy's trying for her. She may be smart, but she's also oblivious. Kind of like Remi...


I swiveled my head over to see Arlo staring at me with a peculiar look on his face.

"What?" I cooly answered. Act natural.

He jabbed a finger into my chest and sneered, " I'm telling you, Remi is mine and you can do nothing about. You're just a lowly jack, and I'm the king. Besides she despises you."

Ouch. Don't let him bait you. He's fishing--but don't go for it. He'll destroy you before you even land one blow on him.

Blyke...a memory seared through my head.

"Don't let anyone take control of you ok? Even if they're powerful. They have no right to bully you, and if they do, fight back, because you are 10x more powerful then they ever will be. Promise me ok?" 5-year-old Remi's pinky stuck in the air.

I thought for a second.."But Remi no one's gonna-"

"Promise me."

I hesitantly interlaced my pinky with hers, feeling electricity heat up the air. "I promise."

I watched Arlo sneer at me through half-lidded eyes, "What? Got nothing to say? How pathetic."

Something inside me snapped.

"You know what? I'm not taking this crap from you anymore. You're the one who's pathetic. You're the king yet not even the most powerful guy in the school. And why are you threatening a  "lowly jack" huh? Scared I'm going to steal your girl away? Someday, maybe today, maybe tomorrow. I'll make her truly weak you are when I steal her right under your nose."

With those words Arlo punches me right in the nose. I felt his force field closing me in, suffocating me. "I understand those feelings, Blyke, I have felt them. Brave words for a you. But I'm telling you to back off my girl. I see the way you look at her. There's no way that can continue--I'll make sure of it." He said coldly, pressing me in tighter.

F*ck. Arlo's strong. I wished I had thought of a plan before rushing in like a fool. I sucked in my breath trying not to make it sound like I'm in pain.

"What're you gonna do when Remi sees me? What's your excuse this time?" I managed to choke out.

"She won't be back for another hour. Girls take forever to shop. I'll think of one soon."

Arlo grinned and was ready to crush me once and for all when a voice saved me.


Remi came around with Elaine frowning. Was Elaine ok? She looked...angry. It was weird seeing her like this.

"Attention, all shop customers and employees. We have just been informed there is a minor emergency near us, so the city police have asked that we evacuate the store. Please leave in the next 10 minutes. Thank you."

Arlo quickly released me and I stood up. He shot me a glare and I understood it perfectly. Don't you dare tell her I did anything to you.

Remi frowned, "Blyke, what's wrong? You look all battered."

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

" Oh ok. Can I talk to you after we get out of the store?"

"No." I was surprised when my mouth opened, "It's fine, I'll talk to you later at school, Rem, enjoy your time with Arlo and the others. I gotta be home. "


I walked briskly outside. Only once I was outside in the cold, fresh, air was when I started to run. Everything was a blur as tears streamed from my eyes and I attempted to wipe them away with my bare arm. I heard my name being called as my friends searched for me and ran faster. Home...I've got to get home! I forgot my sweater...

Gotta get away....gotta get away from her and these awful thoughts, I really don't deserve her, do I? Arlo was aggravating me, I couldn't just sit and watch him beat me with words! I had to defend myself. But there's no way in hell I'm going to try to take Remi as mine. Arlo's words were rushing back into my head, driving me insane. I stumbled forward, nearly blind, panicking. Why do I feel this way? Why am I so terrified?


This fear was different.

"Blyke, watch out!"


All of a sudden I saw a speeding car racing toward me, my eyes widened, and I attempted to use my lasers to get above it, but my mind was working sluggishly. I sidestepped out of the way just in time before it ran over my foot.

What's happening? Why is it so damn chaotic?

Was this what the store announcement was about? Damn, is this a robbery? I saw what looked like cash in the front seat but the people in the car didn't seem very strong. If fact, most of them were just sitting there in the back while two others fired off gunshots through the window. Low-tiers?

"There's another one!"

By then, it was too late. I heard the blaring sirens and the screech of the tires. The headlights flashed right into my eyes but there was nothing I could do at that point. The car was moving too fast for me to stop it with my hands. There was screaming and a loud crash and I felt several bones crack. Numb pain spread through my body and my torso screamed in agony. Cold liquid dripped from my head all the way down my arm. It's so pretty. The last thing I heard was my name being shouted before I blacked out.

Is this what they mean by your life flashing right before your eyes?

"BLYKE!" She called my name out in a hoarse voice, scared to her wit's end, knowing there was a possibility my life would end. Right here. Right now.

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