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"We got 'em!" The poacher cackled.

  "Should we kill it?" Another one asked.

  "Nah. We'll keep him well tranquilized and get him to those people in Africa. He's worth more alive." He answered as they shoved the Snow leopard in the back of the truck. "He'll be up in an hour. Same with the tiger."

  "She was Purdy." chortled the woman. "We'll be rich."

  "Yes. Now let's go." The poacher said cranking up the truck, and heading off.

Two days later at that same time...

  "The storms hitting hard! We should stop and get cover!" She yelled

  "They need them tomorrow! If we don't keep going we will lose the deal!" The man yelled back, keeping on as the Snow leopard and Tiger roared, as lightning struck the truck, nearly blowing up. The cats slipped out of the back running off after the truck came to a halt, biting and clawing off the covering. Escaping to the trees before it exploded.

The Cats Of The CloudsWhere stories live. Discover now