The Sad Story of Tony Stark (Part Six)

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He awaited patiently for news, any news. Whether it be by phonecall or newspaper tabloid. Anything was better than the radiosilence. So deafening it was in it's entirety.

To block out the din, the AI played some of his favourite instrumentals from the bygone eras but nothing could soothe the worry. With Pepper gone, the virtual butler was all that was left of his family and JARVIS worried as if he were in fact his child. He had seen him grow over the years. Had observed the few good times...

...and the multitude of bad.

But now lost to the night, JARVIS could only speculate where he could be and the worst came to mind. If not dead, then broken beyond repair. If not hurt, then intoxicated. Months of hardwork lost to the bottle once more.

A viscious pattern the AI had witnessed one too many times. How many more before the damage was permanent? Until only a bleak end to the madness remained an option?

Time was running out for him and JARVIS dared not to think about how few grains of time were left in his hourglass...

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