Part 4

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Bo and Luke were out testing the General Lee when the sound of police sirens could be heard from behind them. Rosco voice came over the CB and said 'Pull over you Dukes your under arrest'.

Bo replied 'Sorry no can do Rosco'.

Bo sped off and soon lost Rosco. He then pulled over so him and Luke could talk about why Rosco was chasing them today and what they were going to do.

Both boys ears pricked up when they heard the ringing sound of a bullet flying through the air. The two cousins decided to go and investigate where the shot came from.

Now when they saw a man pointing a rifle at them they didn't know the man wasn't actually out to shoot them.

Luke yelled 'Don't shoot'.

Well this made the two men feel as though they needed to kill those boys because they had been spotted and let me tell you being spotted by two hit men is a sure fire way to get you killed. The hit men both began shooting at Bo and Luke. One with a pistol and the other with his rifle.

Both Dukes ran to the General with Luke getting in the drivers seat and Bo riding shotgun. The engine roared to life and Luke began driving off when a shot came through the front windshield and lodged itself into the lower portion of Luke's arm near his wrist.

Bo who noticed the bullet fly into the general soon noticed where it had ended up. Bo grabbed the wheel from Luke who at this point looked as if he could barely steer with that hand although he wasn't to bad at steering one handed. Luke was still holding his foot on the accelerator and hovering his other foot over the brake.

Luke removed his shirt and tightly tied it up over his wound to try and slow the bleeding. He then began trying to reach just about anyone on the CB.

Luke said 'This is lost sheep anyone got your ears on'.

A voice replied 'Crazy Cooter coming at you what can I do for you boys'.

Luke replied 'Were out on pine road being chased by two fellows in a blue pickup. They've got guns and aren't afraid to use em'.

Cooter said 'I'm a coming'.

Bo turned to Luke and asked 'Could you drive while I deal with our little problem back there'.

Luke said 'Yea Ill keep it steady for you'.

Bo leaned into the back and grabbed his bow. He climbed out the window and shot at the trailing pickup still shooting at them. Bo shot an arrow at the tire of the pickup but narrowly missed. The two hit men in the following car kept shooting at the General Lee and the Dukes.

Cooter arrived just in time to cut off the two hit men. Whilst Cooter distracted the two men Luke pulled off onto a dirt road that lead to the Hazzard pond. Luke parked the general and quickly jumped out and rushed over to the pond. Bo waited at the general for Cooter to arrive.

Cooter had cut off the two men who right about now we're stuck in a ditch. Cooter drove away, of course after making sure the men were okay, to meet the Dukes at the pond. He arrived to find Bo sitting on the hood of the general and Luke nowhere in sight. He parked his truck and got out to talk to Bo.

Bo saw Cooter and said 'Thanks for that Cooter'.

Cooter replied 'Anytime but now you better tell me why those two men were chasing you'.

Bo said 'If I knew I would tell you but I just don't know'.

Cooter saw the inside of front of the general. He turned to Bo and asked 'What in hells name happened in the general'.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2019 ⏰

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