The Story of SwagTom's Beginning

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So to start off, Tom was made in Mexico. Tom was a beautiful fetus, so calm, so tender, but they did not know that so much swag could come out of one small being. After crawling out of his mothers womb the doctor noticed something was odd about this baby, He came out in skinny jeans, a flatbill, and a DC t-shirt. After closer examination he saw that the baby came out with hordes of women following in his path. The first night that Tom was home his keepers noticed some strange noise coming from his crib, they went to investigate it and saw that Tom was playing Souja Boy, He then started to, "Get jiggy with it," as Will Smith would say. Fast Forward to 1st grade, When tom was young. Tom was treated like a god in first grade, all his classmates bowed before him and his Delicious amounts of swagger. The teacher gave him 100's on every assignment in fear of dying from his mass amounts of swag. Many ladies wanted to get a hunk of the T-bone, to the point where tom had to organize them single file, there were to many cat fights for the security to handle. 

Middle School.

At this point in tom's life his swag had almost reached max form. Tom would have to, "turn his swag off," before going to bed, when he forgot to he would wake up covered in women. Tom was treated like a god among the Swag-Les peasants. There were daily fights to get atleast a sliver of the, "Big T," because rumor had it that if you touched the magic Tom, the gods would bless you with eternal swag. Many others tried to reach Tom's levels, but none succeded. They would all get there bodies to their definition of perfect. They called themselves, "buff," and claimed to have, "six packs," but Tom knew that a, "six pack," means nothing to his glorius keg. The end of middle school was a strange day, Tom had people cheering him on as he did his tantalizing mating call in front of the crowd. But, soon, the day would take a devestating turn, riots, uprisings, and thirsty women erupted out of nowhere like a mortar on the 3rd of july. Tom was escorted out of the school and sent to an abondon island where no one would find him. He was sent there to prevent another war over his swag. Tom was actually quite set on this island. He had a lifetime supply of Coca-Cola and babes.

The End of Tom.

Tom had made a great life on his island, he had reproduced and made Tiny Tom's to follow in his footsteps. Many people still searched for him years after his dissapearence. Tom grew old like every other human but he was still number 1 on the swag charts, he would be eternally. On a dark day, the Tomciples could feel something terrible was going to happen but they merely shrugged it off. Near the end of the day, the followers saw a bright beam of light shoot from the sky, They knew, It was time. As the followers started to silently weep, they heard a calm voice from the sky, "Do not be saddened my Tomciples, turn this sadness into swag, follow in your fathers footsteps, and rule the world with your radical power, as his body ascended into the air, they all got gifted with the beuty, the charm, and the will to swag from Tom."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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