Chapter 3: Negev

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Hey there guys, the leader here. Uh, you know how I write my books right?

To avoid being confused about who's speaking,  I add ""

For example:


And I add '' if the one who is speaking is whispering or speaking to himself. Sometimes it becomes 'shh' or Italic

It is just the way I write. But most of the other ways that we do are the same in our books

Well, that is all :)

(╯°□°)╯︵(\ .o.)\

[Griffin Headquarters]

???: "Kalina! Report to me! Where is the Core?!"

Kalina: "u-uh..."

???: "hey! Speak to me!

The Eternium core is a much Upgraded Dummy Core! There is only one of them. The Eternium Core is able to create many T Dolls by itself! "

Kalina: "b-b-b but Miss Helian, do you remember that we put it to an armored truck along with Soldiers? Sadly, it is being raided and the Core was stolen by the terrorist in the City

the Soldiers from the Tyrian Military Base killed the Terrorists. We may deploy a search party there.

If we didn't find anything, then let us head to the Military base and search it there"

Helian: "ugh, this is making my headache...

Alright. Let's deploy search parties to wherever that city is. If they did not find any, then both of us,  along with the other T dolls, will visit the Tyrian Headquarters"

Kalina: "but we only got few Tactical dolls left right? "

Helian: "yes. But that doesn't stop us

We need that core!"

[Tyrian Military Base: Barracks]

Negev: "Hey there Commander! Negev here,  reporting for duty!"

Y/N: " I... Can't believe it... It worked! "

No seriously, I didn't expect that it will work without even repairing or disassembling the gun.

416 yawns and opens her eyes. Negev waves at her.

Her eyes got widened

416: "N-Negev! H-how did you... "

Negev: "did I surprise you? HK416?

Well, your manners changed a little. Still, it affects your outside image"

Y/N: "wait, what do you mean by that? "

Negev: "commander, 416 is often cold to her comrades."

Y/N: "h-huh?"

416: "what? I'm not... "

Negev: "she's commonly upset at most times because she secretly cares to her comrades

Well, that was before"

Y/N: "alright... This is making me soo confused... What do you mean by before? "

Negev: "we Tactical dolls are once created, I mean, all of the dolls.

Until that core in your hands was created"

Y/N: "this?"

Negev: "that Core was created from sacrifices. We Griffin Tactical Dolls, along with 16Lab Tactical dolls fought against Sangvis Ferri a long time ago

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