chapter 2 - an apology

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She had to look away. She didn't want to, but she had no choice. If she kept starring at those pools of dark chocolate, people might start being suspicious. She averted her eyes.

Jim leaned back in her chair. It was comfortable. Very much so. Now she knows why Pike likes it so much. Speaking of which.

"Kirk to sickbay." She waited for a few seconds before a rough and raspy voice of their CMO came through.

"Yes Jim, what do you want? For your own good I hope you didn't cause more trouble on the bridge."

His voice sounded strained, like he didn't use it for a while. Despite the critique, she couldn't help but to smile. 'Oh Bones, you really are a softie on the inside aren't you?' She knew better than to say it out loud. Even if he is a big softie, she knew he wasn't particularly gentle with his hypos when provoked. Instead she decided to ask him what she originally planed.

"Bones, no I did not cause any more trouble, no need to worry about that. I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself. Anyway, all jokes aside, tell me, how's Pike?"

He sighed dramatically and said. "He has broken ribs, respiratory problems and a spinal injury. He can feel everything from the waist down but he can't move almost anything. But few months of physical therapy and he should be as good as new. Don't worry kid. He'll be fine."

Jim breathed out a sigh of relief and relaxed further in her chair.

"Alright, thanks Bones."

She ended the communication and took a deep breath. Or as deep as her bruised ribs allowed her to. She winced. She probably should have gone to the sickbay so that Bones could fix her, but she figured he already has a lot on his hands.

She could have gotten that injury when spock was fighting with her, or when Nero fought with her. Or when she fell off of the platform on Narada. That was one painful fall.

In effort not to think about her injuries she then contacted engineering bay.

"Scotty, how's it going downstairs?"

His accented voice was like a music to her ears. Actually everything but sounds of punching someone and breaking something, or someone, was like a music to her ears.

"Ay Capitan, everything is fine down here."

Then there was a shout "You, you get down from there, you hear me! These things are not made for you to sit on them! Get down, now!"

And then he continued "Sorry Capitan, is there something else you need?"

Jim chuckled "Yes, as the matter of fact I do. How long will it take for us to limp back to Earth since we ejected the core?"

"I'd say about two hours max."

"Alright, thank you Scotty. Kirk out."

She threw her head back, spread out her legs as far as they could reach (which is far, trust me) and let out an explosive sigh. And then she winced again. As it turns out it hurts as much as when you inhale and exhale. Damn ribs.

"Capitan, are you alright?"

It was Spock that voiced his concern even tho majority of the bridge crew was looking at her.

She looked at him, a bit startled, and the answered as calm as she could.

"Yes, I'm quite alright Mr Spock, don't worry."

She could guess she wasn't overly successful with keeping her face straight because he lifted both of his eyebrows that clearly said 'You are not being truthful and I know it.' It seemed as tho he would press on but the pleading look she sent him caused him to change his mind and instead of lesson about how 'Vulcans do not express worry' that was surely about to come, he just nodded and turned back towards his science console.

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