Chapter 1-First Impressions

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Hey. This is the first chapter and I hope you'll like it. If you don't, give it a chance and see if maybe you'll like the second.

Anyway, read and I really hope you'll find it interesting.

PS. This isn't a werewolf-vampire-angel-demons or any fictional stuff. Just a normal romance, teen, humorous story and I hope you enjoy reading it.

"In every story, the jerk is always the hot one." -wink wink.


It was a dark cold night. The grass was damp and the sky was plain black, with only the moon lighted. There were no stars visible, since there were clouds.

I looked at my watch, "2 am...I should get back home." I muttered to myself. I stood up and got the blanket I was sitting on and folded it.

I took my time in walking since no one's at home, worrying or waiting for me. Mom and Dad are not home, they never are; my older brother, Kyle, is with his fiancée in a hotel far away, and my cousin, Shawn, is taking a vacation somewhere in Hawaii. My friends aren't here since they were back at Denver.

All in all, I was going to be alone in the house for quite some time.

I walked, kicking the grass stubbornly and looking at my feet as I take every step. I've found this garden-like place just 15 minutes away from the house and figured I'll just go here so I won't be that bored.

I ask you, what's the point of moving to another place when it's almost just the same? No family at the house, and no friends...

Talk about boredom.

School's not yet starting until next week and I haven't had friends here, yet. My parents, together with my brother, thought it was better for us to move since one branch of Mom and Dad's business is nearer here. They also told me that the environment, people, and education are better here.

As if.

I was now walking on the streets, and even though it's very early in the morning, there were some cars lighting up the driveway, and street lights lighting up the sidewalks.

I arrived at the front of our house and opened the door. I heard something move around the bushes so I turned around, frowning.

I walked towards it slowly and whatever 'it' is moved towards the back of the trash can and at the back of the wall.

Cautiously, I looked behind me and saw three cars driving speedily pass. I looked in front of me again and searched for that 'thing' moving.

"Psst." Someone called from behind the wall. I looked at it and saw a dash of black hair. Frowning even more now, I slowly walked towards it.

"Hey, are they gone?" A smooth, guy voice, whispered.

"The cars? I think they're gone." I whispered back while walking towards it.

Someone stood up and got out from behind the wall. It was a tall guy, with dark black longish hair with a face perfectly built...and so was his body. His dark brown eyes looked at me, then the streets, then back at me.

He wore a blue long sleeved shirt behind that black jean jacket.

"Uh..." I was out of words "Who are you?" I asked, stepping back

"Chad Ashton," He smiled, showing his white teeth and taking my hand, shaking it.

"N-nice to meet you...?" I said with uncertainty

"Oh," He said, walking towards our house and straightening his clothes "You're the people who just moved in?"


The Jerk I'm Never Gonna Fall for is in My House! The Hot Jerk, That is.Where stories live. Discover now