[05] Sasuke

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IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF 9TH GRADE. I'm entering my freshman year indifferently. Everything so far has been the same as previous years, thus I see no reason in being nervous. Robotically, I exit my house. I expect everyone to be waiting outside.

As per always, I see Naruto and my friends. Everyone seems depressed about going back to school, but Naruto is waving obnoxiously. He sticks out like a sore thumb. He's full of energy.

I join the group. Everyone chatters mindlessly. I listen to Ino tell me about her summer and her anxieties about high school. Eventually, I realize that someone was missing: Sakura.

"Dobe," I say casually. "Where's Sakura?"

He looks at me and shrugs. "I don't know," he sighs, feigning exhaustion. "We waited outside her house for a whole twenty minutes! I tried calling her but some man replied. I think she changed her number."

That's curious, I think.

Eventually, we approach the new campus. Bold letters proclaiming "Konoha High School" are carved into its building. It's closer than our middle school, making it convenient. 

As we enter the parking lot, I see a flash of pink in my peripheral vision. Sakura walks towards us.

"Hey guys!" she exclaims warily.

Everybody turns to look at her. No one speaks. Everyone simply stares in bewilderment.

She doesn't look like a different person. She simply looks like an enhanced version of herself. Her hair is no longer shoulder length, instead reaching her back due to what I assume are extensions. She's wearing makeup—it's subtle, but nonetheless noticeable.

Makeup isn't the biggest change; a lot of girls wear makeup. The biggest change is her body. It's evident that she lost a lot of weight. Before, she was slightly chubby. Now there isn't an ounce of extra fat on her.

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto exclaims. "What happened to you?!"

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