Chapter 4

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Tomorrow was the day. The day Bella and I get married. The day she becomes Mrs. Cullen. Of course Alice and Rosalie took Bella and Ava to my family's house while Emmett and Jasper stayed here with me. I texted Bella before going out for my bachelor party.

Can't wait to marry you tomorrow. Anyways I love you. -Edward

I put my phone in my pocket and we drove off to the nearest bar. Emmett went up to the bartender of course and got us some food and a few rounds of shots. I took a few and then sat down to eat some of the food. Soon my phone was vibrating so I got it out and Bella was calling. I went to the bathroom and answered it.

"Bella?" I asked.

"Yea. Ava is having trouble getting to sleep. Can you get over here and sing her a bedtime song. Please? Then you can go have fun with the guys. I promise." she replies.

"Yea babe. I'll be right over." I say.

I hang up the phone and go over to Emmett and Jasper and tell them everything. We leave this bar and go to the house. I go straight to my room where Bella and Ava are staying and smile. Ava is crying and Bella is trying to calm her down.

"Daddy!" Ava yelled.

Bella looked over at me and I smiled walking over to the two of them.

"Sorry I had to pull you away from your fun night. She kept crying and asking for you." Bella said.

"It's fine. Let me handle this and you watch me at work." I say.

Bella giggles and I grab Ava and rock her back and forth. Soon she's asleep and I put her back down.

"How can you get her to sleep and I can't?" Bella asks.

"Well, I did rock her to sleep when she was born and you couldn't since you were pretty much in a coma." I reply.

"Edward, that wasn't my fault. Giving birth is hard in my family and you know that." she says.

"Yea I do. I just don't want you to die if we have another kid." I tell her.

"You're drunk. Just go back with your brothers. I'll see you tomorrow when your sober." she says.

I'm speechless  I back out of the room and shake my head. But before I turn around I run back to Bella and hug her. Before we pull away we kiss quickly and apologize before I leave once more and go back to my brothers as we head off to the bar.


I wake up with a huge hangover and I quickly grab my tux and put on my sunglasses. I go to my parents house and take a shower there since the girls all left for their hair appointments. I blow dry my hair and take a few pills before putting sunglasses bavk on and getting in the car.

"Hangovers suck!" I exclaim.

"That's why I don't drink anymore. Last time I drank, you mom got pregnant with Emmett. Haven't touched any alcohol since." dad says.

"I feel loved now." Emmett says.

We all laugh and soon we arrive at the church. And standing there is Bella's family. I wanna know who invited all of them. Bella sure as hell didn't. I walk up to the room I'm supposed to be in and Esme meets me in the hallway.

"Take these for your hangover." she says.

I smile as she hands me the Advil and some water. I thank her as Bella comes out in jeans and a tank top.

"Whoever invited my fucking family is dead. Like really dead. I don't want them here." Bella yells.

I walk over to hig her after I take thw advil and down the water. Abby comes out and looks at Bella.

"Jacob was saying something to his dad and you know how your dad and his dad are still friends Bells. That's how they found out." Abby says.

Bella groans and runs down the stairs to where her family is.

"Shit. I'll be back guys." I tell them.

I run after Bella and catch her before she leaves the bottom step. I put my arms around her waist and pull her close.

"Don't do this Bella. Let them see you get married, then they'll see that you're old enough to make tour own decisions." I tell her.

I hear her sigh and she turns around and we walk back upstairs. We then go our seperate ways and get ready. We're taking wedding pictures after but we both go out into the hallway at the same time. I look at her in her dress. Her long brown hair is curled and her dress is strapless and a sweetheart neckline. Its tighter up top and then flares out like a princess gown atxher waist. Her veil touches the ground and she's holding Ava.

"You done looking? Cause I'm ready to marry you." she says.

I roll my eyes as me and my groomsmen walk down stairs with the bridesmaids. Bella, Ava, Abby and Jaxson. I stand at the alter and wait. Soon after everyone is in place, here comes Bella. Its a quick ceremony and then we kiss and finally we're husband and wife.


Sorry for not updating this in forever. Okay, so One Direction announced new tour dates for 2015. Sooooooo, they never come to Iowa and the closest ones to Iowa was Kansas City, Minneapolis, and Chicago. Tickets went on sale yesterday. And I'm a diehard 1D fan. Sooooooo..... I got tickets. Im so excited. I'm going to be 18 when I see them also. Here's what I told my sister:

Me: Tay!

Her: What?

Me: I get to see Bae in July.

Her: Who's Bae?

Me: Liam Payne is Bae *makes funny face*

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