Winter Break In Italy -Prologue-

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"Honey!" Mrs.Varounen called out from the kitchen.

I smiled, walking towards the cookie scented kitchen. Mom always made me sweets before a mission, that way I'd have a piece of home with me.

"Thank goodness you're home sweety. Can you pack some of the cookies into this gift basket while I finish these muffins?"

"Sure, is the basket for the new neighbors?" I asked as I finished it off with a ribbon.

Mom let out a little hum in response from behind me. Leaving the basket on the counter I jogged upstairs to grab my bags, time for another mission.


When my driver arrived to take me to the airport, I couldn't help but grin. I hadn't been to Italy since I was twelve. We had gone as a celebration for completing my first mission.

My dad grabbed my bags and walked out to put them in the trunk. I paused when following him to make sure I still had my glock hidden in my waistband, before practically skipping to the car.

Once everything was packed and ready to go Dad and Mom came over to wish me luck. " You remembered all your weapons right honey?"

Laughing, I replied, "Of course I did, I also left enough room in my bag to bring back those new revolvers by DL."

My parents continued to ramble on as I noticed a boy my age staring at us from the house next door. He was looking through a second story window with the door open,  but I doubted he was close enough to hear our conversation.

And with a goodbye hug to mom and dad, I hopped in the car.


By now spring break was almost over and Amideo Vasquez II was still walking. I was currently sitting on a cliff around the coast of Italy waiting for him to arrive. I had already told my director the plans for the night, she would be sending over a 'cleaning crew' later this evening.

The rumble of his car coming up the dirt road was the first sign of his arrival. Standing up, I put on my best smile and turned to face the car that was now parking besides my picnic blanket.

"Hey babe," he said as he stepped out of the car, "we should talk."

Faking worry, I walked him over by the edge of the cliff. "See all those pebbles down there?" I said, taking his hand and pointing at the rocks below us. "No matter how many people throw them into the ocean, they always come back. Think of me going back to school as the same thing."

I felt his eyes turn to look at me. I had said exactly what he needed to hear for him to confess, so the words he said next weren't surprising. But to some people my actions certainly were.

"Jade, I know we've only known each other for a couple if weeks... But I.. I love you."

And with that, I pushed him. Stepping forward to watch as his body hit the rocks.  Glad that a man as horrible as him would never harm another person.

A man who sold people for a living didn't deserve happiness.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2018 ⏰

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