Part Four

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After our ride, Morgana was in the kitchen with Landin and Lander. I said hello, and Lander was adorable. Landin Buffer than dad and Kristoff, he was totally ripped. Ripped as in, sexy and buff to the max. Morgana looked at me with worry as if she knew something was up but she didn't say a me, that is.

Around lunch time that day, Garret--dad--came outside where I was sitting and asked me if I was okay. I said I was, but that clearly wasn't enough for him, and he asked if he could sit down. I, of course, said yes.

"It's a beautiful day." he commented awkwardly, looking out at the field beyond the enormous house.

"Yes, it is. Georgia is beautiful." I said, looking at him apologetically directly after I said it.

"It is." he said easily. I couldn't help but wonder what was going through his mind at that time. Did he think I was crazy? Was he going to send me to a crazy house? I wasn't sure, but the main thing floating through my mind was a major thing. What if Cea's mind was in my body? That would be awful.

After a minute of silence, he turned to me and looked over me harshly.

"You really don't remember anything?" he asked me, looking at me with a scornful eye.

"No. I don't remember anything. I don't even know who my best friend is--if I have one." I said, looking at my father. My father...

"If you have one?!" he yelled, laughing. "You've been best friends with Taylor since kinder-garden!" he said, laughing and looking at me with shock when he realized that I was seriously not knowing who this is.

"I don't know anyone named Taylor." I said shyly, looking in his eyes with sorrow and confusion.

"Taylor is that beautiful girl that you've known forever." he said, still a little sign of playfulness in his voice.

"I never knew a Taylor." I said, serious as the man in the moon. He looked at me.

"What's your...other name?" he asked, looking at me with high concerns.

"Evan." I answered, focusing on the wrinkles in his forehead thinking it'd be easier to talk to those instead of the confused man before me.

"Evan..." he said, looking at my body.

"Yes." I answered.

"Have you seen self?" he asked, still examining my body.

"No..." I answered, getting up quickly. I didn't know where the bathroom is but I'd find one. I walked in a door beside the couch I'd slept on for the past two nights and turned right to go up some stairs, but saw a door. It was a bathroom.

I stepped in and shut the door behind me, locking it with assurance. There was a full body mirror standing up by a window, and I slowly made my way over to it. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes before I could change my mind.

I was gorgeous. I was exactly like Kristoff described me, but I was sexy. And...everything I wish I could've been in my other life. Then the thought clicked that God have given me another chance at being who I'd always wanted to be. I was never jealous, I just wished I'd been born some where else...and now I've got that wish and it's so hard.

While I was taking in my gorgeous body and face, I heard pounding on the door.

"Are you okay?" Kristoff asked, breathless. I guess dad sent him to come talk to me because he did believe me.

"I'm fine." I said, looking at myself while I was talking. I smiled, so happy that I get to change my image. My whole being would be different--and I was going to go with the flow because I wasn't going to let this get in the way of my second chance. A second chance. Huh. I smiled my perfect, breathtaking smile.

I walked out and hugged my brother. He hugged me back, but he was confused.

"God is giving me a second chance and I'm going to love this. I'm going to start all over and I'm going to be the prefect little girl I was before." I told Kristoff before walking up to my mom and giving her a hug.

"What is wrong with you? I thought you didn't remember anything." she said, clearly angry with me but solidly stable. Unlike the other day.

"Nothing is wrong I'm just taking my chance at life again. I'd tell you, but you wouldn't believe me, so I'm not wasting my new breaths. I'm just going to be as normal and...happy as...I...was." I said before skipping off. I stopped by Kristoff and he smiled.

"Upstairs, the first door to the right." he said, pointing up the stairs which were right behind him. I laughed and hugged him.

I ran up the stairs, smiling. I opened the door to see purple walls, a king sized bed (country wood style), a desk, and a computer with lots of other goodies. As soon as I walked in there's a big chest made out of wood with drawers. I went through them and they were filled with clothes. Country clothes, which was something I'd have to get used to, but they were cute. At the foot of the huge bed there was a hope chest. I kept walking past it. There was a guitar propped against the chest with my clothes, and there was another guitar in the closet which was right behind a big butterfly chair. There was a little karaoke machine against the window and a green cabinet type thing after the window. After the cabinet, was the desk. There was an old computer on it and it was loaded down with stories. To the very left of the desk with the computer was a night stand with the same country wood to match my bed and the clothes drawers. After the night stand, was my bed.

I took it all in with a smile, going through everything and picking up the Ipod's on the desk and the cups thrown everywhere. There were clothes in the floor and the clothes I'm wearing are sweats and a white, baggy t-shirt. I needed a shower, and decided to take one.

I jogged back down stairs happily and made my way all the way to the bathroom and closed the door. I started taking off my clothes when I saw a big scar on my side. I ran out of the bathroom and saw Kristoff sitting on the couch. I called his name and he hurried over to me.

"What?" he asked, shocked.

"What is this?" I asked, pointing to my bare, skinny side with the scar.

"We went to Florida one year when you were a baby and a shark nipped your side." he said, looking at the scar. His eyes were locked.

"Oh." I answered, still hugging my bra to my chest. He looked at me with question, probably wondering if I was going to stand there all day.

I went back in and shut the door. I started crying silently, but got the water running so I wouldn't have to hold it back anymore. I used to be great at holding back my tears but now they just came in a river of sadness.

When I was shaving in the shower, the water switched to freezing cold and I started yelling for Kristoff. After a few minutes of me screaming, the water was back to its normal, warm temperature.

"Sorry! Adare was messing with the water heater!" he yelled through the door.

"Oh. Okay!" I told him back, grabbing my razor to shave all over again since most of the hairs got stubby from being so cold.

Hope you guys like it! the only reason i'm updating fast is because i need somthing to do! i'm not home so i don't have the lists of stuff that i keep to help me not forget what i've wrote so i'm kidna at a block...but i've got enough to post for the few days i'm going to be away.

Thanks fans!





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- XImBeautifulX

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