Chapter 6

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Alex woke up to a pain in her body. Alex jolts out of bed, as she wakes Subaru. Alex eyes glowed red and she's on her hands and knees. Subaru looks at her worried. Alex stares at him hungrily. Subaru sits straight on the couch and pulls her over. Alex sits on his lap facing him. Alex locks into Subaru's neck. Subaru hugs her and kisses her shoulder. Alex slowly falls asleep in his arms.
Alexandra woke up alone on the couch. She smelled something sweet. Alex walks to the kitchen to see her brothers cooking sweets. "What are y'all doing?" Alex asks and her brothers stop what they are doing and looked at her. "We are making you food" Kanato laughs. "I can make myself food!" She says as she runs into the kitchen and grabs the kitchen ware. Ayato grabs her wrist and puts the kitchen ware back. Subaru grabs her waist and holds her in his arms. "Okay let go while they finish" Subaru says. "Wait!" She laughs but Subaru walked to their room. The other brothers smirks as the door closes. Subaru and Alexandra kiss each other and smile. They eventually took a nap. Shu walks in and knocks on the door. "Food is ready" he says and walks away. Alex and Subaru walk to the table and they eat their meals and they laugh as they tease each other.

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