Chapter One

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Rose's P.O.V

"CM'ON ROSE WERE GONNA BE LATE" My mom screams through the house.

I was currently packing to go to California. We're technically getting away from the killer..

Thing is.. We don't know exactly who 'Killer' is.

I know what your thinking, Where's your dad?

See, 'Killer' Killed my dad.. I was 16, I'm 18 now.. And I remember that night clearly...


 "Alright I'm going to work!" My dad's voice echo's through the house

"Bye Dad love you!" I scream back

Once I hear the door shut i run downstairs to my mom.

"Hey Mom" I say

"Hi," She says with a Scared/Worried look on her face.

"M-Mom what's going on?" I say concerned.

"Nothing... Just go upstairs." She says back not wanting to deal with me at the moment.

I shrug and trudge up the stairs to my room. I lay in bed and go on tumblr for about five hours when i hear a knock on the door..

I walk slowly out of the room too see two cops and my mom crying. I walk slowly too the door where the cops and my crying mom was.

"W-Whats going on?" I ask worried.

"Rose Draculak right?" One of the cops say

"Y-Yes" I say worried

The cop sighs and says quietly "Your father John Draculak, Was found dead in the woods 2 hours ago.... He seems to have been Murdered."

That's when It all happened. I couldn't take it. I fell to the ground, curled up in a ball and started sobbing. 

This can't be happening....

*End of flashback*

I get chills thinking back to that day...

"Rose hurry up our planes about to leave!" my mom's voice echo's through the house.

I quickly get my stuff and run out the door with my phone in my hand.

We arrive at the airport and get on the plane..

We land. 4 hours later we finally land. And i couldn't be happier.

I finally get to start fresh..

(A/N: Okay so I hope you liked this chapter! I'm going to update everyday so lookout for that here is my social media if you wanted to know)

Twitter- '@ThatSoBooshka'

Instagram- '@Andrewlx_'

Vine-' Edits Omf :)'

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